W|- have palled without feeing them, had not the man hallooed
A-— to us. He flood with his club in his hand upon the point
Tuefday 6. # - * *
of a rock, and behind him-, at the fkirts of the wood, flood:
the two women, with each of them a fpear. The man
could not help difcovering great figns of fear when we approached
the rock with our boat. He, however, flood firm;;
nor did he move to take up fome things we threw him
allior®. At length I landed, went up and embraced him
and prefented him with fuch articles as I had about me,
which at once diffipated his fears. Prefently after, we were*
joined by the two women,- the gentlemen that were with
me, and fome of the feamen. After this, we fpent about
half an hour in chit-chat, little underftood on either fide,
in which the youngeft of the two women, bore by far the
greateft lhare. This occafioned one of the feamen to fay,.
. that women did not want tongue in any part of the world.
We prefented them with fifh and fowl which we had in-
our boat; but thefe they threw into the boat again, giving
us to underhand that fuch things they wanted not. Night
approaching, obliged us to take leave of them ; when the
youngeft of the two women, whofe volubility of tongue exceeded
every thing I ever met with, gave us a dance ; but the-
man viewed us with great attention. Some hours after we-
got on board, the other party returned, having had but indifferent
w#dnef. 7. Next morning, I made the natives another vifit, accompanied
by Mr. Forfter and Mr. Hodges, carrying with?
me various articles which I prefented them with, and which*
they received with a great deal of indifference, except
hatchets and fpike-nails; thefe they moft efteemed. This
interview was at the fame place as laft night; and now wefaw.
faw the whole family. It confided of the man, his two '773-
wives. (as we fuppofed), the young woman before men- _,-1
tioned, a boy about fourteen years old, and three fmall chil- e ne *'
dren, the youngeft of which was at the breaft. , They were
all well-looking, except one woman, who had a large wen
•on her upper lip, . which made her difagreeable ; and
fhe feemed, on that account, to be in a great meafure ne-
glefted by the man. They conducted us to their habitation,
which was but a little way -within the fkirts of the wood,
and confifted of two mean huts made of the bark of trees.
Their canoe, which was a fmall double one, juft large
enough to tranfport the whole family from place to place,
lay in a fmall creek near the huts. During our flay, Mr.
Hodges made drawings of moft of them ; this occafioned
them to give him the name of Toe-toe, which word, we fuppofed,
fignifies marking or painting. When we took leave,
the chief prefented me with-a piece of cloth or garment of
their own manufacturing, and fome other trifles. I at fi-rft
thought it was meant as a return for the prefents I had
made him; but he foon undeceived me, by expreffing a
defire for one of our boat cloaks. I took the -hint, and ordered
one to be made for him of red baize, as foon as I got
aboard ; where rainy weather detained me fhe following
The 9th, being fair weather, we paid the natives another Friday 9;
vifit, and made known our approach by hallooing.to them ;
but they neither anfwered us, nor met us at the fhore as
ufual. The reafon of this we foon fa-w; for we found them
at their habitations, all -drefled and drefling, in their very
heft, with their hair combed and oiled, tied up upon the
crowns of their heads, and ftuck with white feathers. Some
L 2 wore