C H A P . V.
DireElions fo r failing in and out o f Dufky Bay, with an:
Account o f the adjacent Country, its Produce and In habitants
: Afronomical and N autical Obfervations.
A S there are few places where I have been in New
Zealand, that afford the neceffary refrefhments in
fuch plenty as Dufky Bay, a fhort defeription of it, and of
the adjacent country, may prove of ufe to. fome future navigators,
as well as acceptable to the curious reader. For
although this country be far remote from the prefent trading
part of the world, we can, by no means, tell what ufe
future ages may make of the difeoveries made in the prefent..
The reader of this journal muff already know that there are
two entrances to this bay. The South entrance is fituated on
the North fide of Cape Weft, in latitude 450 48' South. It is-
formed by the land of the Cape to the South, and Five Fingers
Point to the North. This point is made remarkable by feve-
ral pointed rocks lying off it, which, when viewed from certain
fituations, have fome refemblance to the five fingers of
a man’s hand \ from whence it takes its name. The land
of this point is ftill more remarkable by the little fimilarity
it bears to any other of the lands adjacent; being a narrow
peninfula lying North and South, of a moderate and equal
height, and all covered with wood.
To fail into the bay by this entrance is by no means difficult,
as I know of no danger but what fhews itfelf. The
worft that attends it, is the depth of water, which is too