>7?t- fide of the Strait. Soon after, feeing a fmoke afcend, at fome
November. , , __ _ , , , %____i diftance inland, away to the N. E., we hauled the wind, and
Friday a . continued to ply till fix o’clock in the evening ; which was
feveral hours after the fmoke difappeared, and left us not
the leaf! figns of people.
Everyone being unanimoully of opinion that the Adventure
could neither be ftranded on the coaft, nor be in any of the
harbours thereof, I gave up looking for her, and all thoughts
of feeing her any more during the voyage; as no-rendezvous
was abfolutely fixed upon after leaving New Zealand.
Neverthelefs, this did not difcourage me from fully exploring
the fouthern parts of the Pacific Ocean, in the doing of
which I intended to employ the whole of the enfuing feafon.
On our quitting the coaft, and confequently all hopes of
being joined by our eonfort, I had the fatisfadtion to find that
not a man was dejedted, or thought the dangers we had yet
to go through, were in the leaft inereafed by being alone j
but as cheerfully proceeding to the South, or wherever I
might think proper to lead them, as if the Adventure or even;
more fhips had been in our company,.
C H A P :
C H A P . VI.
Route o f the Ship from New Zealand in Search o f a Continent',;
with an Account o f the various ObfiruEtions met
with' from the Ice, and the Methods purfued to explore
the Southern Pacific Ocean.
AT eight o’clock in the evening of the s6th, we took November,
our departure from Cape Pallifer, and fleered to the '
South, inclining to the Eaft, having a favourable gale from
the N. W. and S. W. We daily faw fome rock-weeds, feals,
Port Egmont hens, albatroffes, pintadoes, and other peterels ;
and on- the ad of December, being in the latitude of 48° 33’ December.
South, longitude 1790 16' Weft, we faw a number of red T1'urfda)'
bill’d penguins, which remained about us for feveral days.
On the 5th, being in the latitude 50° 17' South, longitude Sunday;.
, 179° 40' Eaft, the variation was 180 35' Eaft. At half an hour
paft eight o’clock the next evening, we reckoned ourfelves Monday 6;
antipodes to our friends in London, confequently as far removed
from them as pollible.
On the 8th, being in latitude 550 39', longitude 178° 53' Wedner, sj
Weft, we ceafed to fee penguins and feals, and concluded
that thofe we had feen, retired to the fouthern parts of
New Zealand, whenever it was neceflary for them to be at
land. We had now a ftrong gale at N. W., and a great fwell
from S. W. This fwell we got as foon as the South point of
New Zealand came in that diredtion; and as we had had no
wind from that quarter the fix preceding days, but, on the
contrary, it had been at Eaft, North, and N. W., I conclude
K k a , there