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Friday 26.
fo near the fliore as to reach it with an hawfer. This was on
Friday the 36th of March, at three in the afternoon, after having
been 117 days at fea; in which time we had failed 366a
leagues, without having once fight of land.
After fuch a long continuance at fea, in a high fouthern
latitude, it is but reafonable to think that many of my people
mult be ill of the fcurvy. The contrary, however, happened.
Mention hath already been made of fweet wort being
given to fuch as were fcorbutic. This had fo far the
defired effect, that we had only one man on board that could
he called very ill of this difeafe; occafioned, chiefly, by a
bad habit of body, and a complication of other diforders.
We did not attribute the general good ftate of health in the
crew, wholly to the fweet wort, but to the frequent airing
and fweetening the fliip by fires, &c. We muft alfo allow
portable broth, and four krout, to have had fome fliare in it.
This.laft can never be enough recommended.
My firfi: care, after the fliip was moored, was to fend a
boat and people a fifliing; in the mean time, fome of the
gentlemen killed afeal (out of many that were upon a rock),
which made us a frefli meal.
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t r a p l i j I ill
i n
C H A P . IV.
‘TranfaSiions in Dujky Bay, with an Account o f fev era l
Interviews with the Inhabitants.
A S I did not like the place we had anchored in, I fent ,773.
i i Lieutenant Pickerfgill over to the S. E. fide of the bay, , Mareh- ^
to fearch for a better; and I went myfelf to the other fide,' Frida)'26-
for the fame purpofe, where I met with an exceedingly fhug
harbour, but nothing elfe worthy of notice: Mr. Pickerfgill
reported, upon his return, that he had found a good harbour,
with every conveniency. As I liked the fituation of
this, better than the other of my own finding, I determined
to go there in the morning: The fifliing boat was very fuc-
cefsful; returning with fifli fuflScient for all hands for flipper;
and, in a few hours in the morning, caught as many
as ferved for dinner. This gave us certain hopes of being
plentifully fupplied with this article. Nor did the fliores and
woods appear lefs deftitute of wild fowl;, fo that we hoped
to enjoy, with eafe, what, in our fituation, might be called
the luxuries of life. This determined me to flay fome time
in this bay, in order to examine it thoroughly; as no one
had ever landed before, on any of the fouthern parts of this
On the 27th, at nine o’clock in the morning, we got under Saturday 27.
fail with a light breeze at S. W., and working, over to
Pickerfgill Harbour, entered it by a channel fcarcely twice
the width of the fliip ; and, in a fmall creek, moored head