C H A P . V.
Directions fo r failing in and out o f Dufky Bay, w ith an account o f the
adjacent country, its produce and inhabitants: ajlronomical and
nautical observations. <yz
C H A P . VI.
FaJJage from Dujky Bay to Queen Charlotte’s Sound, with an account
o f fame water fpouts, and o f our joining the Adventure. ' 103
C H A P . VII.
Captain Furneaux’s narrative, from the time the two Jhips were
feparated, to their joining again in Queen Charlotte’s Sound, w ith
fame account o f Van Diemen’ s Land. 107
C H ^ P. VIII.
TranfaStions in Queen Charlotte's Sound, w ith fome remarks on the
inhabitants. 131
C H A P . IX.
Route from New Zealand to Otaheite, w ith an account offome low
ijlands, fuppofed to be the fame that were feen be M . de Bougainv
ille . 131
C H A P . X.
The arrival o f the Jhips at Otaheite, with an account o f the Critical
fituation they were in, and o f fe v e ra l incidents that happened w hile
they lay in Oaiti-piha Bay. 144
C H A P . XI.
A n account o f fe v e r a l vifits to and from Otoo ; o f goats being left on
the ijland; and many other particulars which happened while the
Jhips lay in Matavai Bay. 133
C H A P.
C H A P , XII.
A n account o f the reception we met w ith at Huaheme, with the incidents
that’ happened while the Jhips lay there, and o f Omai, one
of the natives, coming away in the Adventure. _ 16 x
A r r iv a l at, and departure o f the Jhips from XJlietea ; w ith an account
o f what happened there, and i f Oedidee, one o f the natives,
coming away in the Reflation. I7I
C H A P . XIV.
A n account o f a Spanijh Jhip vifiting Otaheite; the prefentfate o f
the ijlands ; w ith fome dbfervations on the difeafes and cufioms o f
the inhabitants, and fome miftakes concerning the women correBed.
From our Departure from the Society Iiles, to our Return
to, and leaving them the Second Time.
C H A P . I.
Faffagefrom TJlietea to the Friendly IJlands^; w ith an account o f the
difeovery o f Hervey’s Ijland, and the incidents that happened at
Middleburg. f ill
C H A P . II.
The arrival o f the Jhips at Amflerdam-, a defeription o f a place o f
w orjh ip; and an account o f the incidents w hich happened w hile_
they remained at that i f and, . 19^
C H A P .