great to admit of anchorage, except in the coves and har- J j||
hours, and very near the fhores; and even, in many places, .
this laft cannot he done. The anchoring-places are, however,
numerous enough, and equally fafe and commodious.
Pickerfgill harbour, where we lay, is not inferior to
any other hay, for two or three fhips: it is fituated on the
South Ihore abrcall of the Weft end of Indian Ifland; which
ifland may be known from the others by its greater proximity
to that Ihore. There is a pafiage into the harbour on-
both fides of the ifle, which lies before it. The moft room
is on the upper or Eaft fide, having regard to a funkere
rock, near the main, abreaft this end of the ille: keep the
ifle clofe aboard, and you will not only avoid the rock, but
keep in anchoring ground. The next place, on this fide, is
Cafcade Cove; where there is room for a fleet of fhips, and-
alfo a pafiage in, on either fide of the ifle which lies in the
entrance.; taking care to avoid a funken rock which lies-
near the S. E. Ihore, a little above the ifle. This rock, as
well as the one in Pickerfgill Harbour,, may be feen at halfebb.
It muft be needlefs to enumerate all the anchoring places;
in this capacious bay ; one or two, on each fide, will be-
quite fuflicient. Thofe who want to be acquainted with
more, need only confult the annexed chart; which they
may depend upon as being without any material error. To
fuch as put into this bay, and are afterwards bound to the
South, I would recommend Facile Harbour. To fail into
this harbour, keep the infide of the land of Five Fingers
Point aboard, until you are the length of the ifles, which
lie abreaft the middle of that land. Haul round the North
point of thefe ifles, and you will, have the harbour before