September Some hours before we got under fail, a- young man, whofe
— ' name was Poreo, came and defired I would take him with Wednel. l.
me. I contented, thinking he might be of fervice to us on
fome occafion. Many more offered themfelves, but I refufed
;to take them. This youth aiked me for an ax and a fpike
nail for his father, who was then on board. He had them
accordingly, and they parted juft as we were getting under
fail, more like two ftrangers than father and fon. This raifed
a doubt in me whether it was fo; which was farther confirmed
by a canoe, conducted by two men, coming along-fide, as
we were ftanding out of the bay, and demanding the young
man in the name of Otpo. I now faw that the whole was a
trick toget fomething from me; well knowing that Otoo was
not in the neighbourhood, and could know nothing of the
matter. Poreo feemed, however, at firft undetermined whether
he Ihould go or flay; but he foon inclined to the former.
I told them to return me the ax and nails, and then he ihould
go (and fo he really ihould), but they faid they were aihore,
and fo. departed. Though the youth feemed pretty well
fatisfied, he could not refrain from weeping, when he viewed
stbe land aftern.
C H A P . XII.
A n Account o f the Reception we met with at Huaheine,
with the Incidents that happened while the Ships lay
theret and o f Omai, one o f the Natives, coming away in
the Adventure,
A S foon as we were clear of the bay, and our boats in,
I diredted my courfe for the Iiland of Huaheine, Sth**er.
where I intended to touch. We made it the next day, and Thatalplf
fpent the night, making ihort boards under the north end
of the iiland. At day-light in the morning of the 3d, we Friday 3<
made fail for the harbour of Owharre; in which the Refo-
lution anchored, about nine o’clock, in twenty-four fathoms
water. As the -wind blew out of the harbour, I chofe to turn
in by the fouthern channel, it being the wideft. The Refo-
lution turned in very well, but the Adventure, miffing flays,
got aihore on the north fide of the channel. I had the Refo-
lution’s launch in the water ready, in cafe of an accident of
this kind, and fent her immediately to the Adventure. By
this timely affiftance, fire was got off again, without receiving
any damage. Several of the natives, by this time, had
come off to us, bringing with them fome of the productions
of the iiland j and, as foon as the iliips were both in fafety,
I landed with Captain Furneaux, and was received by the
natives with the utmoft cordiality. I diftributed fome prefonts
among them; and prefently after, they brought down
hogs, fowls, dogs, and fruits, which they willingly exchanged
for hatchets, nails, beads; &c. The like trade
V ol, I. Y was