were mod valuable in his eyes ; well knowing that it was?
my intereft to gain the friendfliip of this man. I alfo made
prefents to feveral of his attendants ; and, in return, they
offered me cloth, which I refufed to accept; telling them
that what I had given was for tiyo (friendfliip). The king,
inquired for Tupia, and all the gentlemen that were with
me in my former voyage, by name ; although I do not remember
that he was perfonally acquainted with any of us.
He promifed that I fhould have fome hogs the next day; but
I had much ado to obtain a promife from him to vifit me on
board. He faid he was, mataou no fe poupouc, that is, afraid
of the guns. Indeed all his actions fhewed him to be a.
timorous prince. He was about thirty years of age,, fix feet
high, and a fine, perfonable, well-made man as one can fee-
All his fubjects appeared uncovered before him, his father
not excepted. What is meant by uncovering, is the making
bare the head and fhoulders, or wearing no fort of cloathing,
above the bread.
When I returned from Oparree; I found the tents,, and the.
aftronomer’s obfervatories, fet up, on the fame fpot where
we obferved the tranfit of Venus-in 17dp. In the afternoon, I
had the lick landed; twenty from the Adventure all ill of the
fcurvy; and one from the Refolution. 1'alfo landed fome
marines for a guard, and left the command to Lieutenant
Edgcumbe of the marines.
On the 27th, early in the morning, Otoo, attended by a
numerous train, paid me a vifit. He firft fent into the fhip
a large quantity of cloth, fruits, a hog, and two large filh ;
and, after fome perfuafion, came aboard himfelf, with his
filler, a younger brother, and feveral more of his attendants.
To all of them I made prefents; and, after breakfaft, took
the king, his filler, and as many more as I had room for, JWT
into my boat, and carried them home to Oparree. I had no e.— <
fooner landed than t was met by a venerable old lady, the r 2
mother of the late Toutaha. She feized me by both hands,
and burll into a flood of tears, faying, Toutaha Tiyo no Toutee
matty Toutaha—(Toutaha, your friend, or the friend of Cook,
is dead). I was fo much affecded with her behaviour, that it
would have been impoflible for me to have refrained mingling
my tears with hers, had not Otoo come and taken me
from her. I, with fome difficulty, prevailed on him to let
me fee her again, when I gave her an ax and fome other
things. Captain Furneaux, who was with me, prefentedthe
king with two fine goats, male and female, which, if taken
care of, or rather if no care at all is taken of them, will no
doubt multiply. After a ffiort flay we took leave and returned
on board.
Very early in the morning on the 28th, I fent Mr. Pic- Saturday s8,
kerfgill, with the cutter, as far as Attahourou, to endeavour
to procure hogs. A little after fun-rife, I had another vifit
from Otoo, who brought me more cloth, a pig, and fome
fruit. His filler, who was with him, and fome of his attendants,
came on board; but he and others went to the Adventure,
with the like prefent to Captain Furneaux. It was
not long before he returned with Captain Furneaux on board
the Refolution, when I made him a handfome return for
the prefent he had brought me, and dreiled his filler out in
the bed manner I could. -She, the king’s brother, and one
or two more were covered before him to-day. When Otoo
came into the cabbin, Ereti and fome of his friends were
fitting there. The moment they faw the king enter, they
dripped themfelves' in great hade, being covered before.
X 2 Seeing