M The fruits we got here greatly contributed towards the
recovery of the Adventure’s lick people. Many of them who
had been fo ill as not to be able to move without afliftance,
were, in this Ihort time, fo far recovered, that they could
walk about of themfelves. When we put in here, the Refo-
lution had but one fcorbutic man on board, and a marine,
who had been long fick, and who died, the fecond day after
our arrival, of a complication of diforders without the leaft
mixture of the fcurvy. I left Lieutenant Pickerfgill with
the cutter behind in the bay, to purchafe hogs ; as feveral
had promifed to bring fome down to-day, and I was not
willing to lofe them.
Wedner. z5. On the 25th, about noon, Mr. Pickerfgill returned with
eight pigs, which he got at Oaiti-piha. He fpent the night
at Ohedea, and was well entertained by Ereti, the chief of
that diftridt. It was remarkable that this chief never once
afked after Aotourou; nor did he take the leaft notice, when
Mr. Pickerfgill mentioned his name. And yet Mr. de Bougainville
tells us, this is the very chief who prefented Aotourou
to him; which makes it the more extraordinary that he
fhould neither inquire after him now, nor when he was
with us at Matavai; efpecially as they believed that we
and Mr. Bougainville came from the fame country; that is,
from Pretane, for fo they called our country. They had
not the leaft knowledge of any other European nation ; nor
probably will they, unlefs fome of thofe men Ihould return
who had lately gone from the ifle ; of which mention Ihall
be made by and bye. We told feveral of them, that M. de
Bougainville came from France, a name they could by no
means pronounce ; nor could they pronounce that of Paris
much better; fo that it is not likely that they will remember
either the one or the other long. Whereas Pretane is in every in* * Auguft.
child’s mouth, and will hardly ever be forgotten. It was not '— —
till the evening of this day that we arrived in Matavai bay.
C H A P . XI.
A n Accoumt o f fevera l V ifts to and from Otoo ; o f Goats
being left on the I f and; and many other Particulars
which happened while the Ships lay in Matavai Bay.
BEFORE we got to an anchor, our decks were crowded 1773-
with the natives; many of whom I knew, and almoft . uguft' .
all of them knew me. A great crowd were gotten together Wcdnef‘ 2$-
upon the fliore; amongft whom was Otoo their king. I
was juft going to pay him a vifit, when I was told he was
matqow’d, and gone to Oparree. I could not conceive the
reafon of his going off in a fright, as every one feemed
pleafed to fee me. A chief, whofe name was Maritata, was
at this time on board, and advifed me to put off my vifit till
the next morning, when he would accompany me; which 1'
accordingly did.
After having given dire&ions to pitch tents for the re- Thu.rday .6.
ception of the fick, coopers, fail-makers, and the guard, I
fet out on the 26th for Oparree ; accompanied by Captain
Furneaux, Mr. Forfter, and others,'Maritata and his wife. As
foon as we landed, we were conducted to Otoo, whom we
found feated on the ground,, under the fhade of a tree, with
an immenfc crowd round him. After the firft compliments
were over, I prefented him with fuch articles as I guefled
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