Portable Broth is fo well known, that it needs no de-
fcription. We w ere fupplied with it both for the lick and
well, and it was exceedingly beneficial.
Saloup, and Rob o f Lemons and Oranges, were for the
fick and fcorbutic only, and wholly under the Surgeon’s
Marmalade o f Carrots, is the juice o f yellow carrots,
infpifiated till it is of the thicknefs of fluid honey, or
treacle, which laft it refembles both in tafte and colour.
It was recommended by Baron Storfch, of Berlin, as a very
great antifcorbutic; but we did not find that it had much
of this quality.
For the Infpijfated fu lc e o f Wort, and Beer, we were
indebted to Mr. Pelham, Secretary to the Commiffioners of
the Victualling Office. This Gentleman, fome years ago, con-
fidered that i f the juice,of malt, either as beer or wort, was
infpifiated by evaporation, it was probable this infpifiated
juice would keep good at lea ; and, i f fo, a fupply o f beer
might be had, at any time, by mixing it with water.
Mr. Pelham made feveral experiments* which fucceeded fo
well, that the Commiflioners caufed thirty-one half barrels
o f this juice to be prepared, and lent out with our fhips for
trial; nineteen on board thé Refolution, and the remainder
on board the Adventure. The fuccels of the experiments
g e n e r a l i n t r o d u c t i o n .
will be mentioned in the narrative, in the order as they
were made.
The frame o f a fmall veffel, twenty tons burthen, was
properly prepared, and put on board each of the Chips to
be fet up (if found neceflary) to ferve as tenders upon any
emergency, or to tranfport the drew in cafe the Chip was
We were alfo well provided with filhing-nets, lines, and
hooks of every kind for catching of fifti.— And, in order
to enable us to procure refrelhments, in fuch inhabited parts
o f the world as we might touch at, where money was of no
value, the Admiralty caufed to be put on board both the
{hips, feveral articles of merchandize j as well to trade with
the natives for provifions, as to make them prefents to gain
their friendfhip and efteem.
Their Lordfhips alfo caufed a number of medals to be
ftrucfc, the one fide reprefenting His Majefty, and the other
the two fhips. Thefe medals were to be given to the natives
of new difcovered countries, and left there, as teftimo-
nies of our being the firft difcoverers.
Some additional clothing, adapted to a cold climate,
was put on board; to be given to the feamen whenever
it was thought neceflary.— In fhort, nothing was wanting
V ol. I. & tfaat