Sunday 2.2»
Monday 2$.
little; and laftly finifhed his repaft by eating, or rather drinking,
about three pints of popoie; which is made of breadfruit,
plantains, mahee, &c. beat together and diluted with
water till it is of the confluence of a cuftard. This was at
the outfide of his houfe in the open air; for, at this time, a
play was acting within, as was done almoft every day in the
neighbourhood; but they were fuch poor performances that
I never attended. I obferved that, after the juice had been
fqucezed out of the chewed pepper-root for the chief, the
fibres were carefully picked up and taken away by one of
his fervants. On my afking what he intended to do with it,
1 was told he would put water to it, and ftrain it again,.
Thus he would make what I will call fmall beer.
The 33d, wind eafterly, as it had been ever fince we left
Otaheite. Early in the morning, we unmoored, and at .eight
weighed and put to fea. The good old chief was the laft
man who went out of the fhip. At parting I told him we
fhould fee each other no more ; at which he wept, and faid,.
“ Let your fons come, we will treat them well.” Oree is a '
good man, in the utmoft fenfe of the word; but many of
the people are far from being of that difpofition, and feem
to take advantage of his old age; Teraderre his grandfon
and heir being yet but a youth. The gentle treatment the
people of this ifle ever met with from me, and the care-
lefs and imprudent manner in which many of our people
had rambled about in the country, from a vain opinion
that fire-arms rendered them invincible, encouraged many
at Huaheine, to commit afts of violence, which no man at
Otaheite ever durft attempt.
During our flay here we got bread-fruit, cocoa-nuts, &e.
more than we could well confume, but not hogs enough, by
2 far.
far, to fupply our daily expence ; and yet it did not appear *J74.
that they were fcarce in the ifle. It mull, however, be al- >----.----1
lowed, that the number we took away, when laft here, muft Monday 2”
have thinned them greatly, and, at the fame time, flocked
the ifle with our articles. Befldes, we now wanted a proper
afiortment of trade; what we had being nearly exhaufted,
and the few remaining red feathers being here but of little
value, when compared to the eftimation they ftand in at
Otaheite. This obliged me to fet the fmiths to work to
make different forts of iron tools, nails, &c. in order to
enable me to procure refrefhments at the other ifles, and
to fupport my credit and influence among the natives.
A a a 2 C HA P .