He failed from Callao, the. 21ft of December, 1605,
as pilot of the fleet, commanded by Luis Paz de Torres,
conflfting o f two fhips and a tender; and fleering to the
W . S. W., on the 26th o f January, 1606, being then, by
their reckoning, a thoufand Spanifli leagues from the Coafl
o f America, they difcovered a fmall low ifland in latitude
250 South.— Two days after, they difcovered another that
was high, with a plain on the top. This is, probably, the
fame that Captain Carteret calls Pitcairn’s Ifland.
After leaving thefe iflands, Quiros feerris to have directed
his courfe to the W. N. W. and N. AV. to to or 11 South
latitude, and then, Weflward, till he arrived at the Bay of
St. Philip and Jago, in the Ifland of Tierra del Efpirito
Santo. In this Route he difcovered feveral iflands ; probably,
fome of thofe that have been feen by later navigators.
On leaving the Bay o f St. Philip and St. Jago, the two
{hips were feparated. Quiros, with the Capitana, flood to
the North, and returned to New Spain, after having, fuf-
fered greatly for want of provifions and water.— Torres,
with the Almiranta and the tender, fleered to the Weft, and
feems to have been the firft who failed between New Holland
and New Guinea.
The next attempt to make difcoveries in the South Pa- Le ^ W and
cific Ocean, was conducted by Le Maire, and Schouten.— Sch°uteli‘
They failed from the Texel, on the 14th of June, 16 15 ,
with the fhips Concord and Horn. The latter was burnt
by accident, in Port Defire. With the other, they difcovered
the Strait that bears the name o f Le Maire, and were
the firft who ever entered the Pacific Ocean, by the way
of Cape Horn.
They difcovered the Ifland of Dogs, in latitude 1 50 1 y
South, longitude 136° 3 0 'Weft ;— Sondre Grondt in 150
South latitude, and 14 3 ° 10' Weft lo n g itu d eW a te r la n d ,
in 14° 4.6' South, and 14 4 0 10' W e ft;— and, twenty-five
leagues Weflward of this, Fly Ifland, in latitude 15° 20';
— Traitor’s and Cocos Iflands, in latitude 1 5 0 4 3 'S., longitude
1730 13' W .;— Two degrees more to the Weflward,
the lfle o f Hope;— and, in the latitude o f 140 56' South,
longitude 17 9 0 30' Eaft, Horn Ifland.
They next coafted the North fide o f New Britain and
New Guinea, and arrived at Batavia in October, 1616.
Except fome difcoveries on the Weftern and Northern 1641.
Coafts of New Holland, no important voyage to the Pacific
Ocean was undertaken till 1642, when Captain Tafman
failed from Batavia, with two fhips belonging to the Dutch
Eaft India Company, and difcovered Van Diemen’s Land;—
a fmall