I had all the reafon in the world to be perfectly fatisfied
with the choice of the officers. The Second and Third
Lieutenants, the Lieutenant of Marines; two of the Warrant
Officers ; and feveral of the petty officers, had been with
me during the former voyage. The others were men of
known abilities; and all of them, on every occafion, ffiewed
their zeal for the fervice in which they were employed,
during the whole voyage.
In the equipping of thefe ffiips, they were not confined
to ordinary eftabliffiments, but were fitted in the moft complete
manner, and fupplied with every extra article that
was fuggefied to be neceflary.
Lord Sandwich paid an extraordinary attention to this
equipment, by vifiting the fhips from time to time, to fa-
tisfy himfelf that the whole was completed to his wiffi,
and to the fatisfacfion of thofe who were to embark in
Nor were the Navy and Victualling Boards wanting in
providing them with the very beft of ftores and provifions,
and whatever elfe was neceflary for fo long a voyage.---- :
Some alterations were adopted in the fpecies of provifions
ufually made ufe of in the navy, That is, we were
fupplied with wheat in lieu of fo much oatmeal, and fugar
in lieu of fo much oil ; and when completed, each ffiip
i had
had two years and a half provifions on "board, o f all fpecies.
We had befides, many extra articles, fuch as Malt, Sour
Kroat, Salted Cabbage,, Portable Broth, Saloup, Muftard.,
Marmalade o f Carrots, and Infpiffated Juice o f JVort and
Beer. Some of thefe, articles had before been found to be
highly antifcorbutic; and others were now fent out on trial,
or by way of experiment; —the Infpiffated Juice o f Beer and
Wort, and Marmalade o f Carrots elpecially.— A.s feveral of
thefe antifcorbutic articles are not generally known, a more:
particular account of them may not be amifs.
O f Malt is made Sweet TP'ort, which is given to fuch;
perfons as have got the fcurvy, or whofe habit of body
threatens them with it, from one to five or fix pints a day, as
the Surgeon fees neceflary,.
Sour Krout, is cabbage cut frnall, to which is put a little
fait, juniper berries, and annifeeds; it is then fermented,
and afterwards clofe packed in calks ; in which ftate it will
keep good a long time. This is a wholefome vegetable
food, and a great antifcorbutic. The allowance to each
man is two pounds a week, but I increafed or diminiffied
their allowance as I thought proper. •
Salted Cabbage, is cabbage cut to pieces, and falted down
in calks, which will preferve it a long time.