1774. large pahies or canoes were building, each of which was
■ L a>' , an hundred and eight feet long. 1 hey were almoft ready
Stturday 14. to Jaunch, and were intended to make one joint double
pahie or canoe. The king begged of me a grappling and
rope, to which I added an Englilh jack and pendant (with
the ufe of which he was well acquainted); and defired the
pahie might be called Britannia. This he very readily
agreed to; and fhe was named accordingly. After this he
gave me a hog, and a turtle of about fixty pounds weight,
which was put privately into our boat; the giving it away
not being agreeable to fome of the great lords about him,
who were thus deprived of a feaft. He likewife would have
J given me a large fhark they had prifoner in a creek (fome
of his fins being cut off fo that he could not make his
efcape), but the fine pork and fifh we had got at this ifle,
had fpoiled our palates for fuch food. The king, and his
prime minifter Tee, accompanied us on board to dinner, and
after it was over, took a moft affectionate farewel. He
hardly ever ceafed foliciting me, this day, to return to Ota-
heite; and, juft before he went out of the fhip, took a youth
by the hand, and prefented him to me, defiring I would
keep him on board to go to Amfterdam to colled red feathers.
I told him I could not, fince I knew he would never
return ; but that, if any fhip fhould happen to come from
Britain to this ifle, I would either bring or fend him red
feathers in abundance. This, in fome meafure, fatisfied
him; but the youth was exceedingly defirous of going; and,
if I had not come to a refolution to carry no one from the ifles
(except Oedidee if he chofe to go), and but juft refufed Mr.
Forfter the liberty of taking a boy, I believe I-fhould have
confented. Otoo remained along-fide in his canoe till we
were under fail, when he put off, and was faluted with
three guns.
Our treatment at this ifle was fuch as had induced one of W4.
our gunner’s mates to form a plan to remain at it. He — v— »
knew he could not execute it with fuccefs while we lay
in the bay, therefore took the opportunity, as foon as we
were out, the boats in, and fails fet, to flip overboard, being
a good fwimmer. But he was difcovered before he got clear
of the fhip j and we prefently hoifted a boat out, and took
him up. A canoe was obferved, about half-way between
us and the fhore, feemingly coming after us. She was intended
to take him up j but as foon as the people in her
faw our boat, they kept at a diftance. This was a pre-concerted
plan between the man and them, which Otoo was
acquainted with, and had encouraged. When I confidered
this man’s fituation in life, I did not think him fo culpable,
nor the refolution he had taken of flaying here fo extraordinary,
as it may, at firft, appear. He was an Irifliman by
birth, and had failed in the Dutch fervice. I picked him up
at Batavia on my return from my former voyage, and he
had been with me ever fince. I never learnt that he had
either friends or connexions, to confine him to any particular
part of the world. All nations were alike to him.
Where .then could fuch a man be more happy than at one
of thefe ifles ? Where, in one of the fineft climates "in. the
world, he could enjoy not only the neceffaries, but the luxuries
of life, in eafe and plenty. I know not if he might not
have obtained my confent, if he had applied for it in proper
time. As foon as we had got him on board, and the boat in,
I fleered for Huaheine, in order to pay a vifit to our friends
there. But before we leave Otaheite it will be neceffary to
give fome account of the prefent ftate of that ifland ; efpe-,
daily as it differs very much from what it was eight months