C H A P . III.
A defcription o f the iflands and their produce, w ith the cultivation,
houfes, canoes, navigation, manufactures, weapons, cufioms, government,
religion, and language o f the inhabitants. 211
C H A P . IV.
Pajfage from Amferdam to Hfueen Charlotte's Sound, w ith an account
o f an interview w ith the inhabitants, and the fn a l feparation o f
the two fh ip s . 22 5
C H A P . V.
Tranfactions at §>ueen Charlotte's Sound; w ith an account o f the inhabitants
being cannibals-, and various other incidents.— Departure
from the Sound,, and our endeavours to f n d the Adventure; w ith
fame defcription o f the coafi. 2 3 5
C H A P . VI.
Route o f the fh ip fron t New Zealand in fear ch o f a continent-, with
an account o f the various obf ructions met with from the ice, and
the methods purfued to explore the Southern Pacific Ocean. 251
C H A P . VII.
Sequel o f the paffage from New Zealand to Eajter Ifland, and trarf-
adlions there, w ith an account o f an expedition to difcover the inland,
part o f the country, and a defcription o f fame o f the furprifing
gigantic Jiatues found in the fiand. , 276
A defcription o f the ifland, its produce, fituation, and inhabitants, their
manners and cufioms; conjectures concerning their government, religion,
ligion, and otherfubjeds; with a more particular account o f their
gigantic ftatues. z °7
C H A P. IX.
The Paffage from Eafier Ifland to the Mayquefas Iflands. Tranfac-
tions and incidents which happened while the fhip lay in Madre de
Dios, or Refolution Bay, in the Ifland o f St. Chrifiina. 297
C H A P . X.
Departure from the Marquefas; a defcription o f the fituation, extent,
figure, and appearance o f the fe v e r a l f i a n d sw i t h fome account o f
the inhabitants, their cufioms, drefs, habitations, food, weapons, and
canoes. 3 °5
C H A P . XI.
A defcription o f fe v e r a l iflands dtfco-vered, or feen in the paffagefrom
the Marquefas to Otaheite; w ith an account o f a naval review. 312
C H A P . XII.
Some account o f a v f i t from Otoo, Towha, and fe v e r a l other chiefs ;
alfo o f a robbery committed by one o f the natives, and its confequen-
ces, w ith general obfervations on the fu b je fl. 324
Preparations to leave the ifland. Another naval review, and various
other incidents; w ith fome account o f the fiand, its naval force,
and number o f inhabitants. 339
C H A P . XIV.
The arrival o f the fh ip at the fiand o f H uabeine; with an account o f
an expedition into the ifland, and fe v e ra l other incidents which happened
w hile fh e lay there. 354
s CH AP .