oSer. water> and gravel bottom, at three cables length from the * I 2
fliore. The higheft land on the ifland bore S. E. by E.; the
^ North point N. E. 4 E, and the Weft S. by W. 4 W., and the
ifland o f Amfterdam extending from N. by W. 4 W. to N-
W. 4 W- We had fcarcely got to an anchor before we were
furrounded by a great number of canoes full of people, who
had brought with them cloth, and other curiofities, which
they exchanged for nails, &c. Several came on board;
among them was one whom, by the authority he feemed to
have over the others, I found to be a chief, and accordingly
made him a prefent of a hatchet, fpike-nails, and feveral
other articles, with which he was highly pleafed. Thus
I obtained the friendlhip of this chief, whofe name was
Soon after, a party of us embarked in two boats, in company
with Tioony; who conducted us to a little creek formed
by the rocks, right a-breaft of the fhips, where landing was
extremely eafy, and the boats fecure againft the furf. Here
we found an immenfe crowd of people, who welcomed us
on Ihore with loud acclamations. Not one of them had fo
much as a flick, or any other weapon in their hands; an indubitable
fign of their pacific intentions. They thronged
fo thick round the boats with cloth, matting, &c. to exchange
for nails, that it was fome time before we could get
room to land. They feemed to be more defirous to give
than receive; for many who could not get near the boats,
threw into them, over the others heads, whole bales of cloth,
and then retired, without either afking, or waiting to get any
thing in return. At length the chief caufed them to open
to the right and left, and make room for us to land. He
then conducted us up to his houfe, which was fituated
2 about
about three hundred yards from the fea, at the head of a
fine lawn, and under the lhade of fome fhaddock trees. The
fituation was moft delightful. In front was the fea, and the
fhips at anchor; behind, and on each fide, were plantations,
in which were fome of the richeft productions of Nature.
The floor was laid with mats, on which we were feated, and
the people feated themfelves in a circle round us on the out-
fide. Having the bagpipes with us, I ordered them to be.
played; and, in return, the chief directed three young women
to ling a fong, which they did with a very good grace;
and having made each of them a prefent, this immediately
fet all the women in the circle a finging. Their fongs were
mufical and harmonious, and nowife harfh or difagreeable.
After fitting here fome time, we were, at our own requeft,
conducted into one of the adjoining plantations, where the
chief had another houfe, into which we were introduced.
Bananoes and cocoa-nuts were let before us to eat, and a
bowl of liquor prepared in our prefence of the juice of eava
for us to drink. Pieces of the root were firft offered to us to
chew; but as we excufed ourfelves from aflifting in the operation,
this was performed by others. When fufficiently
chewed, it was put into a large wooden bowl; then mixed
with water, in the manner already related; and as foon as
it was properly ftrained for drinking, they made cups by
folding of green leaves, which held near half a pint, and
prefented to each of us one of thefe filled with the liquor.
But I was the only one who tailed it; the manner of brewing
it having quenched the thirft of every one elfe. The bowl
was, however, foon emptied of its contents, of which both
men and women partook. I obferved that they never filled
the fame cup twice; nor did two perfons drink out of the
fame ; each had a frelh cup and frefh liquor.
Vol. I. c c This
Saturday 2,