hemifphere; keeping in high latitudes, and profecuting my
difcoveries, as above mentioned, as near the pole as pof-
fible, until I had circumnavigated the globe; after which I
was to proceed to the Gape of Good Hope, and from thence
to Spithead.
In the profecution of thefe difcoveries, wherever the fea-
fon of the year rendered it unfafe for me to continue in
high latitudes, I was to retire to fome known place to the
Northward, to refrefh my people, and refit the fhips; and to
return again to the Southward, as foon as the feafon of the
year would admit of it. In all unforefeen cafes, I was
authorifed to proceed according to my own difcretion ; and
in cafe the Refolution fhould be loft or difabled, I was to-
profecute the voyage on board the Adventure.'
I gave a copy of thefe inftrucftions to Captain Furneaux,
with an order direfting him to carry them into execution;
and, in cafe he was feparated from me, appointed the ifland
of Madeira for the firft place of rendezvous, Port Praya in
the illand of St. Jago for the fecond, Cape of Good Hope for
the third, and New Zealand for the fourth.
During our flay at Plymouth, Meflieurs Wales and Bayley,
the two aftronomers, made obfervations on Drake’s Ifland,
in order to afcertain the latitude, longitude, and true time
for putting the time-pieces and watches in motion. The latitude
was found to be 50° 21' 30" North; and the longitude
40 20' Weft of Greenwich, which, in this voyage, is every
where to be underftood as the firft meridian, and from
which the longitude is reckoned Eaft and Weft to r8o° each
way. On the 10th of July, the watches were fet a-going in
the prefence of the two aftronomers, Captain Furneaux, the
firft lieutenants of the fliips, and myfelf, and put on board. »77*.
The two on board the Adventure were made by Mr. Arnold, j
and alfo one of thofe on board the Refolution; but the other
was made by Mr. Kendal, upon the fame principle, in every
refpeft, as Mr. Harrifon’s time-piece. The commander, firft
lieutenant, and aftronomer, on board each of the fhips,
kept, each of them, keys of the boxes which contained the
watches, and were always to be prefent at the winding them
up, and comparing the one with the other; or fome other
officer, if at any time through indifpofition, or abfence
upon any other neceflary duties, any of thm could not conveniently
attend. The fame day, according to the cuftom
of the navy, the companies of both fhips were paid two
months wages in advance, and as a further encouragement
for their going this extraordinary voyage, they were alfo
paid the wages due to them to the 28th of the preceding
May. This enabled them to provide neceflaries for the
On the 13th,. at fix o’clock in the morning, I failed from Monday 13.
Plymouth Sound, with the Adventure in company ; and on
the evening of the 29th, anchored in Funchiale Road, in wednef. i9.
the illand of Madeira. The next morning I faluted the gar-
rifon with eleven guns j which compliment was immediately
returned. Soon after, I went on fhore, accompanied
by Captain Furneaux, the two Mr. Forfters, and Mr. Wales. Ac
our landing, we were received by a gentleman from the ViGe-
Conful, Mr. Sills, who conducted us to the houfe of Mr.
Loughnans, the moft confiderable Englifh merchant in the
place. This gentleman not only obtained leave for Mr. Forfter
to fearch the illand for plants, but procured us every other
thing we wanted, and infilled on our accommodating our-
felves at his houfe during our flay.