brevissimc stipitatum, obovatum, plano-comprcssum, lato-marginatum, alatum, apice emarginatum, stylo
subæque longo, demum, ut videtur, deciduo terminatum. Stigma obtosum, parvum. Silicula depen-
dens, forma et structura fere omnino germinis, sed estylosa, convexo-plana, utrinque subreticulata, vix
uninerris, unilocularis, evalvis. Semen solitarium, paulo infra apicem, sublateraliter insertum, pendens,
lato-obovatum, compressum, fuscum. Embryo flavus. Cotyledones suborbiculatæ, plano-convexæ : Radicula
subæque longa, insertion« evidentissime dorsalis, sed obliqua et versus margines cotyledonum incumbens.
Hab. Oh moist ground, near the Great Falls of the Columbia. FI. April, May. Douglas.—I long
hesitated whether or not I should unite this interesting plant with the genus Tauscheria of Dr. Fischer,
with which it sufficiently accords in habit, and, in many respects, in the singular structure of the seed-vessel.
In both the species of Tauscheria, however, of which I have excellent specimens from Dr. Fischer and Professor
Ledebour, the silicula is truly cymbiform, the margin is curved inwards, and the extremity, instead of being
broad and notched, as in Thysanocarpus, is narrow and elongated into a beak, like the narrow prow of a
vessel. Its perfect embryo I have not been able to examine : but in our plant, this has always its radicle
inserted at the back of one of the cotyledons, and then inclines obliquely, so that the greater part of its
length is applied to the edge or margin of the cotyledons. In the figure here given, the seed did not occupy
the whole of the cavity of the cell, as was the case with more fully .ripe capsules, given to me by Mr.
Douglas after the plate was engraved, and which, I believe, were produced by plants cultivated in the Garden
of the Horticultural Society.
Tab. XVIII. A. Thysanocarpus curvipes : and a fructified extremity of a plant :—natural size. Fig. 1,
Flower; fig. 2, Stamens; fig. 3, Sepal; fig. 4, Petal; fig. 5, Side view of a germen; fig. 6, Front view
of do. ; fig. 7, Silicula; fig. 8, The same, cut through transversely; fig. 9, Silicula, from which a portion
is removed to show the situation of the seed ; fig. 10, Embryo, showing the insertion and direction of the
radicle ; fig. 1 1 , Section of do. ; fig. 12, Embryo, seen from the opposite side:—more or less magnified.
Ord. X. CAPPARIDEiE. Juss.
T rib. I. Cleome a:. Fnictus vere capsular is, valvis suhmembranaceis dehiscentibus.—
Herbes aut suffrutices, foliis scepe compositis, pube scepe glandulosa. DC.
1. CLEOME. Linn.
Cal. 4-sepalus, patens (vel erectus) subaequalis. Pet. 4. Torus subhemisphasricus.
Siam. 6, rarius 4. Siliqua dehiscens, in calyce stipitata aut sessilis. DC.
1. C. lutea; herbacea glabriuscula, toro parvo, thecaphoro elongato, foliis quinque-
foliolatis, foliolis lanceolatis acutis, siliqua lanceolata stylo acuminata glabra stipitis
longitudine. (Tab. XXV.)
Radix parva, descendens, annua vix fibrosa. Caulis erectus, spithamseus vel etiam pedalis, erectus,
teres, foliosus, simplex vel ramosus, glaber. Rami erecto-patentes. Folia longe petiolata, quinquefolio-
lata; foliolis unciam sesquiunciam longis, lanceolatis, acutis, nonnunquam mucronulatis, inferne in petiolulum
brevissimum attenuatis, glabris vel pilis minutis sparsis pubescentibus. Petiolus foliis plerumque longior,
gracilis, glaber. Folia fioralia, vel bractece, integra, lanceolata, breve petiolata. Flores in corymbum terminalem
dispositi, intense lutei vel fiavi. Pedicelli unciam sesquiunciam longi, gracillimi. Calyx parvus
4-sepalus, sequälis, sepalis anguste lanceolatis, acuminatis, fere subulatis, membranaceis, erectis. Corolla:
Petala 4, insequalia, calyce duplo longiora, oblongo-obovata vix unguiculata. Toms parvus, subhemisphseri-
cus. Stamina 6, quorum, u t videtur, 2 constanter longiora, antheris parvis oblongis curvatis, 4 breviora, an-
theris longis linearibus mucronatis, flavis. Thecaphorum gracile, elongatum, petalis longius, germine 3-plo
longius. Germen oblongo-cylindraceum, viride, glabrum. Stylus gracilis, filiformis, genuine duplo breyius,
viride. Stigma obtusum, vix capitatum. Siliqua dehiscens, 6-8 lineas longa, lanceolata, teres, stylo persistente
termmata, longe stipitata. Thecaphorum e toro minuto calyce corollaque persistentibus tecto. Semina
numerosa, plurima abortiva, obovata, subreniformia, dependentia, fusca.
Hab. Common in North-West America; on the banks of the Columbia; and in the vallies of the Blue
Mountains, sparingly; and as far as to the Rocky Mountains. FI. June to August. Douglas.—This is quite
a distinct species from any Cleome hitherto described, and remarkable, in the dried state at least, for the deep
yellow colour of its petals, which are almost sessile. The leaflets are small, quinate, very sim ila r to those of
some of the smaller species of Lupinus. This plant has been cultivated in the Gardens of the Horticultural
Society at Chiswick.
Tab. XXV. Cleome hitea:-gmturdl size. Fig. ], Flower; fig. 2, Petal; fig. 3, Longer stamen; fig. 4,
Shorte-r do.; fig. 6, Pistil, with its stalk or thecaphorum; fig. 6, Pod, with its thecaphorum arising from
the torus, and surrounded by the persistent floral coverings;, fig. 7, Pod, opened; fig. 9, Seed; fig. 9,
Flower-bud:—more or less magnified.
2. POL ANISIA. Rafin.
Cal. 4-sepalus, patens. Pet. 4. Siam. 8—32. Torus parvus. Siliqua in calyce sessilis aut
vix stipitata, stylo distincto terminata.—Herba habitu Cleomis {DC.)
1. P . graveolens; gland uloso-pilosa, foliis trifoliolatis, foliolis oblongo-ellipticis, stamini-
bus sub-11, siliquis late lineari-lanceolatis muricato-glandulosis.’ “ Rafin. Joum. Phys.
aout, 1819. p . 98.” De Cand. Prodr. v. 2. p. 242.—Cleome dodecandra. Mich. Am. v. 2.
p. 32. Pursh, FI. Am. v. 2. p . 441. Bigel. FI. Bost. ed. 2. p. 254. (not Finn.)
Annua. Radix parva, subfusiformi-fibrosa. Caulis spithamseus et ultra, erectus, flexuosus, ramosus, ut et
fere tota planta magis minusve glanduloso-pilosus, subviscosus, feetidus. Rami erecto-patentes. Folia
petiolata, trifoliolata, foliolis unciam sesquiunciam longis, oblongo-ellipticis, integerrimis, basi attenuatis:
Petioli glandulosi, folio vix longiores. Folia suprema vel bractece, simplicia, lanceolata, breve petiolata.
Flores terminates, numerosse, corymboso-racemosi. Pedicelli unciam longi, graciles, pubescentes. Cal. e
foliolis 4, subpatentibus, sequalibus, oblongo-lanceolatis, acutis, purpureis, dorso gjanduloso. Petala pallide
sulphurea, fere albida, calyce duplo longiora, longe unguiculata, ungue exserto, limbo late ovato, profunde
emarginato. Stam. subundecim, sursum curvata, petalis paululum longiora, basi solummodo monadelpha,
hinc uniglandulosa, glandula majuscula, subtetragona, carnosa. Filamenta filiformia, purpurea, glabra. An-
thercB oblongse, flavse, biloculares, siccitate curvatse. Pistillum: Germen lineare. Stylo filiformi, purpureo,
duplo longius, pubescenti-glandulosum. Fmctus: Siliqua sesquiunciam fere ad duas uncias longa, lineari-
lanceolata, acuta,.teres, inferne in stipite brevi attenuata, ubique pilis vel aculeis brevibus, mollibus, glandu-
losp-viscidis tecta, stylo demum deciduo terminata, unilocularis. Semina numerosa, fusca.
Hab. Lake Champlain. Dr. Bigelow. About Montreal. Mr. Cleghom.—This very pretty species,
rendered particularly elegant by the purple hue of its calyx and the pale sulphur colour of its notched
petals, does not seem to be by any means general even in the United States. I have received it only from
my friend Dr. Torrey, who gathered it at West Point, near New York, and Mr. Nuttall states it to be
an inhabitant of the sandy shores of Lake Erie, and the margins of the Mississippi and the Missouri. Dr.
Bigelow gives it as an inhabitant of Lake Champlain, which station I have here introduced, from a persuasion
that it must grow on the Canadian as well as on the opposite side of the Lake, since I possess specimens
from near Montreal, which is quite in its vicinity.
Ord. XL C IS T IN EÆ . Juss.
Cal. 3-sepalus, sepalis æqualibus, vel 5-sepalus, sepalis duplici série dispositis, 2 extends
sæpe minoribus, raro majoribus. Pet. 5, sæpe apice irregulariter. denticulata.