2. H. pygmoea ; foliis lineari-lanceolatis basi attenuatis integris dentatisve, pube bipar-
tita appressa, siliquis numerosis erectis compressis pubescentibus, caule èrecto simplici.
(Tab. XIX.)—Cheiranthus pygmæus. “ Adams in Mem. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 5. p. 114.”
De Cand. Syst. Veget. v. 2. p. 187, Prodr. v. 1. p. 187.—C. Pallasii? Pursh, Fl. Am. v.
2. p. 436. De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. p. 136.
Radix anima, subfusiformis, parce fibrosa. Planta tota, (petalis staminibusque exceptis,) pube bipartita,
arctissime appressa atque longitudinaliter disposita magis xninusve tecta. Caulis solitarius, erectus, simplex,
vix digitem longus, nisi fructiferus, ubi spithamæus, paululum flexuosus, teres, subangulatus, purpureo-
viridis, parce foliosus. Folia pleraque radicalia, quæ numerosissima, patentia, lineari-lanceolata, acuta vel
acuminata, basi in petiolum longiusculum attenuata, integra, subdentata, nunc sinuato-dentata : caulina
radicalibus similia sed minora. Corymbus multiflorus, démuni, fructiferus, longe racemosus. Pedicelli
calycis longitudine. Calyx erectus, sepalis linearibus obtusis, duobus basi saccatis. Petala magna, purpurea,
obovata, unguiculata, venosa. Stamina calyce paulo longiora. Antheroe lineares. Pistillum: Germen
lin care, compressum : Stylus brevis : Stigma bilobum, lobis erecto-conniventibus, intus glandulosis, albidis.
Siliguoe numerosæ, erectæ, vel erecto-falcafee, lineari-ensiformes, compressas, pallide purpureo-fuscæ, stigmate,
nunc obscure bilobo, terminate. Valvoe fere omnino planæ, pubescentes, linea media longitudinali elevata
notatæ, ad marginem æquales. Semina uniserialia, subovalia, pallide fusco-aurantiaca. Podospermum
gracile. Radicula cotyledonibus paululum longior, dorsalis.
H ab. On the north-west shores of America, opposite Kamtschatka. Herb. Pall. Bear Lake, and thence
to the shores of the Arctic Sea. Dr. Richardson. Cape Lisburne and Kotzebue’s Sound. Lay and Collie
in Capt. Beecher/s Collection.—The place of growth of the Cheiranthus Pallasii of Pursh, so nearly corresponding
with that of our plant from Captain Beechey’s Collections, together with the description of De
Candolle, taken from the original specimens in Mr. Lambert’s Herbarium, give me great reason to believe
that it is identical with that which I here figure and describe. Indeed, De Candolle’s character is at variance
only in one point, namely, where he speaks of the siliguoe as teretiusculoe, whereas ours are plane. I
am assured by my excellent friend Mr. Prescott, that our plant is the same with the Cheiranthus pygmæus of
Adams and De Candolle, and the description is characteristic; but when I came to examine the seeds, I
found it necessary to remove it from Cheiranthus and the rest of the Pleurorhizeoe, and to place it among the
Notorhizéoe, where I presume it will rank in the present genus, notwithstanding the very flattened nature of
the siliqua. Its place should be near Hesperis aprica of Poiret and De Candolle, with which it agrees in
general habit and size, differing in the narrower leaves, not hispid, but clothed with closely appressed, bipartite
hairs, and in the more numerous and greater length of the seed-vessels. This species is probably scarcely
found to the south of the arctic circle.
T ab. XIX. Fig. 1, Flowering plant, and fig. 2, Plant in fruit:—natural size. Fig. 3, 3, 3, Leaves ; fig.
4, Hair; fig. 5, Sepal; fig. 6, Petal ; fig. 7, Stamens and pistil; fig. 8, Pistil; fig. 9, Siliqua:—natural
size. Fig. 10, Seed ; fig. 11 , Section of do. :—all but figs. 1, 2, and 9, more or less magnified. .
3. H. Menziesii; foliis spathulatis carnosis, pube bipartita appressa, siliquis (junioribus)
patentibus, caule brevissimo erecto simplici.
H ab. California. Mr. Menzies.—My specimens of this plant are imperfect ; but it has a great similarity
with the preceding, whence I am led to arrange it here. The root is very long, woody, branched, perennial.
The leaves mostly radical, vastly broader than the preceding, and truly spathulate, somewhat fleshy ; and, as
are the stem, pedicels, and calyx, sparingly clothed with bipartite and appressed pubescence. Flowers rather
larger than H. pygmoea; but from being ill dried, I am unable to say whether they are purple or not. Young
pods much spreading. This has all the appearance of being a truly perennial plant.
Siliqua teretiuscula, super torum sessilis. Stigmata 2, subdistincta aut in capitulum
connata. Cal. basi eequalis. Semina ovata aut oblonga. Cotyledones planae, incum-
bentes, interdum obliquas. Stam. edentula. DC.
* Norta. Siliqua teretes. . Calyx patens. Semina oblonga. Flores flam. Racemi
ebracteati. DC.
1. S. junceum; foliis glabris glaucis, inferioribus petiolatis runcinato-pinnatifidis,
superioribus lineari-lanceolatis integris. DC.—Bieb. FI. Taur. Cauc. v. 2. p. 114. De
Cand. Prodr. .v. 1. p. 191. Cham, et Schlecht in Linncea, v. 1. p. 28.
Hab. At Priest’s Rapid on the Columbia, among dry stones; rare. Douglas.
* * Velarum. Siliqua siibuliformes basi latiores, apice in stylum brevissimum desinentes,
pedicello brevissimo post anthesin incrassato secus axin adpressa. Flores flam. DC.
2. S. officinale; foliis runcinatis pilosis, caule piloso, siliquis radii appres'sis subulatis.
DC.—“ Scop. Cam. ed. 2. n. 824.” Br. in Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 4 .p. 111. De Cand. Prodr.
v. 1. p . 191.—Erysimum officinale. Linn. Sp. PI. p. 922. Pursh, FI. Am. v. 2. p. 436.
Engl. Bot. t. 735. Elliott, Carol, v. 2. p . 148.
Hab. Canada. Pursh. Mouth of the Columbia. Scouler.
* * * Irio. Siliqua teretes. Semina ovata, subtriquetra. . Flores flavi. DC.
3. S. curvisiliqua ; erectum ramosum, foliis lanceolatis pinnatifidis acutis glabris basi sub-
amplexicaulibus, segmentis lineari-lanceolatis patentibus, summis subintegris, racemo
fructifero elongato, siliquis linearibus curvatis acuminatis, pedicello duplo longioribus.
Radix parva, annua. Caulis erectus, vix pedalis, supernc prsecipue, ramosus, sub lente, pilis min u-
tissimis, sparsis scabriusculus. Folia 2, 3 uncias longa, lanceolata, acuta, glabra, pinnatifida, basi plerumque
auriculata, semiamplexicaulia, laciniis patentibus, lineari-lanceolatis, acutis, integris; inferiora subpectinato-
pinnatifida, superiora minora, basi subsagittata, reliqua subintegra. Flores parvi, corymbosi, flavi. Calyx
patens. Corolla calyce longior. Siliquce longe racemosse, teretes, in stylo brevi acuminate, lineares, falcate,
subunciam longse, subtorulosae. Valvce keves, glabrae. Semina biserialia.
Hab. Common on the North-West coast of America, lat. 47°, 48°, in sandy soils, near streams. Douglas.
—-T h is species belongs to De Candolle’s 2d division of his section I r io , but that includes no one to which
it can be referred. Its nearest ally is perhaps the S. sinuatum of NuttalVs MSS. (from the Arkansa,) which
I possess from that gentleman, but without fruit. The leaves of it are in many respects similar to those of
our plant, but the segments are more numerous and shorter, and the flowers are considerably longer.
4. S. sophioides ; foliis bipinnatifidis, lobis ovatis lanceolatisve incisis, pedicellis (petalis-
que) calyce subbrevioribus, floribus siliquisque lineari-filiformibus falcatis umbellato-
corymbosis. (T ab. XX.)—Fischer, MSS.—S. Sophia. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linnaa, v. 1.
p. 28.— S. Sophia, var. ? Rich, in Frankl. ls£ Joum. ed. 2. App. p. 27.
Radix crassiuscula, descendens, annua. Caulis • solitarius, pedalis ad bipedalem, erectus, flexuosus,
ramosus, striatus, subnitidus, ut et folia juniora glanduloso-pubescens. Folia plurima radicalia, pinnatifida,
fere pinnata, pinnis iterum pinnatifidis ovatis lanceolatisque, juniora glanduloso-pubescentia, adulta glabra,
suprema segmentis angustioribus. Flores in corymbis umbellatis, pedunculatis, subaphyllis, terminalibus
axillaribusque. Rachis semper glanduloso-pubescens. Flores parvi, densi, intense flavi. Pedicelli breves,
graciles, plerumque glaberrimi. Calyx sepalis ovalibus, glabris, obtusis. Petala calyce vix paululum brevi-
ora, obovato-lanceolata. Antherce subglobosie. Siliquce numerosie, densae et ita compacte, ut fere exacte in
umbellani disposite videantur, non raro secundae, biunciales et ultra, pedicello triplo longiores, paululum
falcate, anguste lineares, teretes; stylo brevissimos, stigmateque parvo capitato, terminate. Valvce dorso