nascentibus vix subtus pubescentibus, corymbis subpaniculatis. DC.—Lam. Diet. v. %.p. 116.
L ’Herit. Corn. p. 8. t. 4. Pursh, Fl. Am. v . l . p . 109. Elliott, Carol, v. l .p. 209. Torrey, Fl.
o f Un. St. v. ]. p. 180. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 272.—C. fastigiata. Mich. Am. v. 1. p . 92.
Hab. Canada. Pursh.—With this I am unacquainted, as is likewise Dr. Torrey. To me it seems to
differ from C. alba, according to L’Heritier, only in the less pale colour, and more glabrous under-surface of
the leaf. If C. fastigiata of Michaux be the same, as authors maintain, no dépendance is to be placed on
the more or less panicled corymbs. The drupes are described as blue, the flesh or pulp white.
4. C. sanguinea; ramis rectis, foliis ovatis brevissime acuminatis concoloribus subtus
puberulis, corymbis depressis planis.—Linn. Sp. PI. p. 171. L ’Herit. Corn. p. 5. Engl.
Bot. t. 249. Pursh, FI. Am. v. 1. p . 109. Elliott, Carol, v. 1. p. 208. Torrey, FI. o f Un.
St. v. 1. p. 178. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p . 272.
Hab. Canada. Pursh.—Of this, I have never seen American specimens.
5. C. alba; ramis patentibus vel recurvis (an Semper?) foliis late ovatis acuminatis
pubescentibus subtus canis, corymbis depressis.—Linn. Mant. p. 40. Pall. FI. Boss. t.
34. L ’Herit. Corn. p. 6. Pursh, FI. Am. v. 1. p . 109. Bigel. FI. Bost. ed. 2. p. 58. Bich.
in Franhl. ls£ Joum. ed. 2. App. p. 5. Torrey, FI. o f Un. St. v. l .p. 179. De Cand. Prodr.
v. 4. p . 272.—C. stolonifera. Michr-Am. v. 1. p. 92.—/?. foliis majoribus subtus magis
hirsutis. C. circinnata. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linnoea, v. 3. p. 139.
Hab. Throughout Canada, and from Lake Huron to North lat. 69°. (Dr. Richardson.) Newfoundland.
Miss Brenton. North-West coast of America, (Mr. Garry,) where, however, the var. /3. seems to be the
most frequent. Mr. Menzies. Douglas. Dr. Scouler.—The berries or drupes are described by most authors
as white, by Dr. Richardson as lead-coloured; who further says they are named by the Créés Musguameena,
because the Bears fatten upon them, and Meethquan-poemeenattick, meenisan, (red stick berry,) and that Pigeons
are fond of this berry, which is considered a good stomachic.—This is the only species of this group of
Cornus that I have myself received from British North-America, and it does appear to me that C. stricta,
C.paniculata and C. sericea are too nearly allied to it, as are some states of C. circinnata. The direction
of the branches is assuredly variable, the corymb is more or less depressed, and I suspect the fruit is liable
to vary in colour. My var. /3. borders very closely upon the following species, and that again upon C.
6. C. sericea ; ramis patulis, ramulis lanuginosis, foliis ovatis acuminatis subtus subferu-
gineo-sericeis, corymbis depressis lanuginosis, nucleis compressis. DC.—L ’Herit. Corn. p.
5. t. 2. Pursh, FI. Am. v . l . p . 103. Elliott, Carol, v. 1. p. 208. Torrey, FI. o f Un. St. v.
l .p. 178. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4>.p. 272.—C. lanuginosa. Mich. Am. v. l .p. 92.— C. alba.
Walt. Carol.
Hab. Canada. Pursh. Columbia River, North-West America, frequent. Douglas.—“ Berries blue.”
7. C. circinnata ; ramis verrucosis, foliis orbiculatis subacuminatis rugosis subtus tomen-
toso-canis corymbis depressis. DC.—L ’Herit. Com. p . 7. t. 3. Pursh, FI. Am. v. 1. p. 108.
Bigel. FI. Bost. ed. 2. p. 59. Torrey, FI. o f Un. St. V. 1. p. 179. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4, p.
272. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linnoea, v. 1. p. 139.— C. tomentosula. Mich. Am. v. 1. p. 91.
Hg-C. rugosa. Lam. Diet. v. 2. p. 115.
Hab. Canada. Michaux.
* * Involucratoe.
8. C.florida; arboresccns, ramis nitidis, foliis ovatis acuminatis subtus pallidis utrinqne
adpfesse pilosis, floribus umbellatis post folia nascentibus, involucro maximo, foliolis subro-
tundis retusis aut fere obcordatis, drupis ovatis. DC.—Linn. Sp. PL p. 1661. V Merit.
Corh..p, A Sims, Bot. Mag,t. 526. Mich. Am. v. 1. p. 91. Pursh, FI. Am. v. l.-p 108.
BllioU, Carol, v. l . p . 207. Bigel. Med. Bot. t. 28. Ejusd. FI. Bost. ed. 2. p. 57. Torrey,
FI. o f Un. St. v . l . p . 178. De Cand. Prodr. v. A p. 27S.
Hab. Canada. Michaux. Pursh. Banks of the Columbia, near its confluence with the Sea. Douglas.
Dr. Scouler.
9. C. Canadensis ; caulibus simplicibus herbaceis, foliis superioribus verticillatis subpe-
tiolatis ovatis venosis, floribus umbellatis involucro multo brevioribus, drupis globosis. DC.
Linn. Sp. PI.p. 172. L ’Herit. Corn. p. 3. t. 1. Curt. Bot. Mag. t. 880. Mich. Am. v. l .p.
91. Pursh, FI. Am. v. l .p. 107. Bigel. FI. Bost. ed. 2. p. 57. Torrey, FI. o f Un. St. v. 1.
p. 177. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 275. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linnoea, v. l . p. 139.
Hab. Throughout Canada, nearly to the Arctic coast, every where as far as the Pine woods extend.
Dr. Richardson. Labrador. Dr. Morrison. Newfoundland. Dr. Morrison. Miss Brenton. Mr. Cormack.
Columbia River, frequent. Dowlas. Observatory Inlet, North-West coast, lat. 55°. Dr. Scouler. Unal-
aschka. 'Chamisso.
10. C. Suecica ; caulibus herbaceis subramosis, foliis omnibus oppositis sessilibus ovatis a
basi fere nervosis, umbella pedunculata, involucris flores superantibus, drupis globosis. DC.
—Linn. Sp. PI. p. 172. L ’Herit. Corn.p. 2. Engl. Bot. t. 310. De Cand. Prodr. v. 4. p. 274.
Cham, et Schlecht. in Linnoea, v . l . p . 138. Hook, et Am. in Bot. o f Beech. Voy. v . l . p .
125.—ß. duplo fere major.
Hab. Labrador. Kohlmeister. Newfoundland. Dr. Morrison. Brandy Pots’ Island, in the St. Lawrence,
Canada. Dr. Wm. Kelly. Behring’s Straits. Chamisso. Messrs. Lay and Collie in Capt. Beechey’s
Voyage. Unalaschka. Chamisso. Kotzebue’s Sound. Messrs. Lay and Collie in Capt. Beechey's Voyage.
—ß. Fort Vancouver, on the Columbia. Dr. Scouler.
Flores dioici. M asc. sessiles:—Calyx 0. Corolla monopetala 2-3 raro 4-partita corneo-
carnosa, laciniis ovatis concavis patentibus. Siam. 2-3-4. Anthera sessilis medio lacini-
arum affixa libera subglobosa unilocularis transversim dehiscens membranacea. Ovarium
0: sed ejus loco glandula parva 2-3-4-loba.—F cem. brevissime pedicellati:—Cal. ovalis
compressus carnosus bidentatus ovarium uniovulatum fere omnino tegens et ei adnatus.
Cor. 0. Stam. 0. Stylus 0. Stigma parvum obscure lobatum. Fructus: Bacca anguste
obovata teres breve pedicellata monosperma. Semen pulpo viscido pellucido immersum,
summo loculo affixum pendens obovato-cylindraceum basi acuminatum. Integumentum tenue.
Albumen carnosum. Embryo immersus, versus basin seminis, axilis cylindricus. Badicula
ad hilum seminis versa. Lobi cotydedonei breves subdivaricati.— Frutex parvus aphyllus