round the circle; they die away as they approach east; and after an
inter^'al of calm, more or less in duration, spring up gradually between
north-east by east and north. Heavy tempests sometimes
blow, from west-north-west to south-west; and those winds blowing
directly on shore are most to be guarded against. As to the tides,
they are simple and uniform in the extreme. High water, at full and
change, takes place within half an hour of noon, from Valdi^'ia to
Landfall Island; and the rise of tide is every where, on the outer
coasts within those limits, nearly the same, namely, from four to
eight feet. In the offing no stream of tide is any where discernible,
and even close to the land it does not exceed one knot, or at most
two knots an hour. On this extent of coast what little current is
felt, sets southward, except during or before strong or lasting southerly
winds: its influence is, however, but trifling, upon a ship out
of soundings.* A heavy swell, from the westward, drives in upon all
the coast. A barometer is invaluable.
No. 20.
El PRESIDENTE de la República de Chile, &c.
El Señor Roberto Fitz-Roy, comandante del buque de su Magestad
Británica Beagle ha recibido de su Gobierno el encargo de reconocer
estas Costas y levantar mapas de eUas ; y el Gobierno de Cliile
desea franquear á una operacion de tan conocida utihdad para la
navegación y comercio, y para el adelantamiento de las ciencias,
todas las facihdades y auxilios que de él dependan. En su consecuencia,
ordeno á todos los Intendentes de Provincia, Gobernadores
Departamentales, Jueces de Districto y demás empleados y Ciudadanos
por cuyos territorios transitare el Comandante Fitz-Roy que
no solo se le ponga embarazo para que entre con su buque en
todos los puertos, bahias y radas de la República que le pareciere
conveniente á su empresa, saltando á tierra y ejecutando en ella
los reconocimientos y operaciones que crea necesarias, sino que se
le proporcione todo el favor de que pueda menester; haciendo y
procurando se le haga la mas amistosa acojida por todos los funci-
* By the term out of soundings, I mean in deeper water than three
hundred fathoms.
onarios y Ciudadanos con quienes entable relaciones ; cual conviene
á la importancia de los objetos científicos de que está encargado, y
à la amistad y buena harmonía que cultivamos con la Gran Bretaña.
Sala de Gobierno, en Santiago, á cuatro de Agosto de mil ochocientos
treinta y cuatro.
No. 21.
By ROBERT F ITZ-ROY, Commander of his Majesty's surveying Sloop
" Beagle."
You are hereby required and directed to proceed, with the boats
and party placed under your orders, to examine and survey the
eastern coast of the island of Chil(5e, and the islands, channels, &c.
near that coast.
You will endeavour to meet, or wait for the " Beagle," near the
island of San Pedro, at the south-east end of Chiloe, on the 10th of
Given on board the "Beagle" at San Carlos de
ChUoe, tills 24th day of November 1834.
To Lieut. B. J . SnuvAN, R. F.
H . M . S. •
By ROBERT F I T Z -ROY, Commander of his Majesty's Surveying Sloop
You are hereby required and directed to proceed, with the boats
and party placed under your orders, to continue the examination and
survey of the eastern coasts of Chiloe, and the islands, channels, &c.
lying between it and the mam land.
You win endeavour to reach San Carlos on or before the 10th of
January, and there await the arrival of the " Beagle."
Given on board the " Beagle" at the island of
Cluloe, this 9th day of December 1834.
To Lieut. B. J . SuLivAN, R. F.
H.M. S. '