between the years 182G and 1830 ; and in tlie whole 62 difFcrent
results were obtamed, the mean of winch makes It 13° 4' 27"
west of Villegagnon Island, or 56° 9' 30"
GORRITI (well at the north-east end) is 1 15' 51", by twenty-four
cluMnometrical results, to the eastward of Rat Island, Montevideo,
or 54° S3' 38"
CAPE ST. MARY is 54 ° 5' 58"
BUENOS ATHES(Cathedi-al).—By three chronometers is 2° 8' 24" west
of Rat Island, Montevideo, or 58"" 17' 53"
PORT FAMRAE (Obsen-atoiy at the west side of the bay).—The meridional
diiFerence between this place and Rat Island at Monte
Video was also foimd on the several occasions of the ships passing
to and fro. In all, 54 chronometrical results were obtained, the
mean of which makes the Observatory 14° 44' 31" to the westward,
or 70° 54' 01"
POST DESIRE (Rums of the Spanish colony).—Fifteen chronometri-
. cal results malie it 9° 42' 15" to the west of Rat Island, Monte
Video, or 65° 51' 45'i
SEA BEAK BAY (Sandy beach on the south side of the bay)—is 7'44"
east of Port Desire, and therefore 65° 44' 01"
ST. MAHTIN COYE, NEAR CAPE HORN (the head of tlie cove).—
Twelve chronometers made its longitude 11° 19' 33" west of Rat
. Island, Monte Video, or 67° 29' 03"
VALPARAISO (Cerro Alegre).—^This place was found by seven ehronometers
to be 4° 3' 48" to the westward of St. Mai-tin Cove,
or 71° 32' 51" west of Greenwich, but betn'een it and Port
Famine the diiFerence being by ten chronometers 0° 41' 8" or
71° 35' 9" west, the mean has been taken, viz..., 71° 34' 12"
JUAN FERNANDEZ (Cumberland Bay, the fort).—This place was
found by nine chronometers to be 7° 11' 52" west of Valparaiso,
which makes it 78° 46' 04"
TALCAHUANO BAY (Fort Galvez).—By eleven chronometers the difference
between it and Valparaiso is... 1° 28' 53" or 73° 03' 05"
SAN CARLOS DE OHILOE (Sandy Point).—^The point which is opposite
to the town is, by twenty chronometrical results, 2° 16' 13" west
of Valparaiso, or "...73° 50' 25"
The above are the pruicipal chronometi'ical determinations that
were naade ; the following are dependant on them:— -
SANTOS (tlie Arsenal).—By twelve • chronometers this place is
3° 11' 31" west of Rio de Janeiro, or 46° 16' 33"
ST. CATHERINE (Flag Staff of S''.Cruz D'Anhatomirim) is, by
fifteen chronometrical results, 5° 24' 38" to the west of Rio de
Janeiro, or 48° 29' 41"
PORT STA. ELENA (the spot marked " Observatory" on thejilan).—
Eleven chronometers made it 10° 23' 46" west of the Island of
Gorriti, or 65° 17' 25"
CAPE VIRGINS (extremity of the cliff).—^By ten chronometers is
13° 24' 8" to the west of Gorriti, or 68° 17' 46" west of Greenwich;
but by comparing it with Port Famine, from which ten chronometers
make it 2° 36' 0" to the eastward, the result is 68° 18' 01";
the mean of the two determinations makes it 68° 17' 53"
PORT GALLANT (Wig^i'am Point).—By twenty-one chronometers
is.l° 2' 55" west of Port Famine, or ..71° 56' 57"
HARBOUR OP MERCY (Observation Islet) at the western end of the
Strait of Magalhaens is 3° 40' 55" west of Port Famine, or
74° 34' 56" west of Greenwich. By the survey, however, it is
laid doTO in ...74° 35' 31"
During the voyage various astronomical observations were made
for the longitude, the summary of which is aa follows :
PetW. Placa
No. of Scïies.
On each
Bitle. In all.
Sept, 1826 Uio de Janeii'O 0 8 16 0 / II 43 8 18
0 / II 43 5 3
Oct. 1828 0 9 IS 34 S3 40 54 53 38
Nov. 1829 Chilóe 0 8 16 73 48 42 73 50 25
Jan. 1830 Valparaiso.... 0 16 32 71 35 10 71 Si 12
• The longitude of Gorriti by Captain Stokes's lunars was 54° 57' W ;
that of Monte Video (Rat Island) 56° 14'; of Fort Famine old observatory
(at the west side of tlie bay) 70° 67'; and of Villegagnon Island, at
Bio de Janeiro, 43° 0' W. (each to the nearest minute only).
Captain Stokes was an excellent observer, and used one of Troughton's
best repeating reflecting circles. His lunar observations, which were