SOUTH OF 50°—c o n t i n u e d .
Antonio, San—summit over
A p o s t l e Rocks—western large rock
A p r i l Peak—summit
Arenas Point—south extreme
A s t r e a Island—summit ... ^
Austin Point—north-east pitch
Avalanche Point—extreme
Aymond Mount—summit
Bachelor River—entrance
Bachelor Peak
Back Harbour—outer point
Balthazar Point—extreme
Bamevelt—north-east extreme
Bartholomew San, Cape—south-west cliff .
Basalt Glen
Bald Point, west extreme of cl iff
Bathurst Cape—summit
Beagle Island—north-west summit ... .
Beaufoy Mount—summit
Bell Mount—summit
Bell Mount Summit—Valentyn Bay ... .
Bessel Point—extremity
B e n i t o Point—extreme
Bennett Point—extremity
Between Point—west low rise
B i v o u a c — L a s t Hill
B l a c k Head—south-east point .
Boat Island—summit of (Diego Ramirez) .
Boqueron Mount—highest pinnacle ... .
Bougainville Cape—south-west summit
Bougainville Cape—extremity
B o l t o n Island—northern summit
Bougainville Sugar Loaf—summi t ... •
B o w l e s Island-north summit
Brazo Ancho Point—eastern summit ...
Brent Cove—point south-east of
Brinkley Island—summit
Brisbane Head—extreme summit
Broken Mount
Broken Cliff Peak
Brother, Middle—north-east summit ...
Buckland Mount (Staten Land)
B u c k l a n d Mount—summi t
Bueno Puerto—west point ...
B u m e y Mount—southern summit
B u t t o n Island—south-east summit
Byiioe Island—summit
Camden Head—summit
Capstan Rocks—summit of largest
Card Point—extremity
Castle Hill
Castlereagh Cape—summit
Catherine Point, north-east extremity ...
Catherine Isle, western point
Cayetano Peak
. C e r e s Island—summit
Chalia Stream—junct ion with Santa Cruz
Chancery Point, south-west pitch
Charles Island-Wal l i s -Mark
63 54 40
52 46 15
50 10 50
53 09 10
5 4 36 30
55 49 30
5 4 56 00
52 07 10
5 3 33 »0
5 3 29 30
54 47 25
51 38 05
56 48 25
5 4 53 45
50 11 00
53 34 40
5 5 14 15
51 58 30
5 5 36 15
54 09 54
54 53 15
52 00 40
61 48 5a
53 38 46
5 3 13 50
50 12 30
5 5 33 45
56 2B 50
54 10 40
53 40
63 00
6 4 69 00
6 3 67 32
54 02 00
50 08 66
64 50 20
5 1 58 45
6 5 39 °o
55 24
50 14 40
54 42 35
54 46 18
54 26 00
50 58 35
5 2 20 00
5 5 05 00
6 4 >9 °o
63 30
55 24 10
6 4 46
50 09 15
54 56 00
52 32 00
5 4 47 30
53 53 04
51 51 35
50 JI 15
5 2 52 00
5 3 43 57
23 40
23 50
7 1 50 30
7 4 47 50
7 5 21 00
68 12 10
72 05 30
67 03 00
69 13 20
69 32 10
7-2 19 15
72 19 30
63 60 15
7 4 00 30
66 44 40
64 45 3"
70 11 00
67 39 30
68 00 00
7 5 46
68 58 00
72 07 10
65 33 30
7 3 46 40
73 55 00
7 1 30 00
70 28 30
7 1 41 00
6g 20 30
68 42 30
70 59 44
70 13 15
70 13 00
70 10 00
7 1 27 57
72 15 00
7 4 41 46
6 4 22 60
73 43 00
68 67 00
69 45 19
68 31 30
65 29 50
64 20 45
70 22 30
7 4 10 55
7 3 26 00
68 07 30
72 12 44
71 41 00
70 17 30
70 16 30
72 34 00
7 1 28 00
68 44 10
7 1 19 00
7 2 09 40
74 05 65
70 10 30
74 40 30
73 05 45
h. m.
24 40
24 06
23 00
22 40
24 00
23 00
23 34
23 20
24 00
23 60
21 00
4 40
4 46
3 30
8 K.K,
9 N.E,
o 50
12 15
21 00 1 40
23 46 2 40
24 15
24 10
21 00
24 00
2 50
2 56
1 40 6 s.E,
SOUTH OF 50^—c o n t i n u e d .
Charles Cape—pitch
Cheer Cape—north-west pitch
Childs I alati d—s ummi t
Claiiricarde Point—south summit
Clay Cliff Narrow—cl iff summit
Cliff Head—nor ther n cliff
College Rocks—south-west rock
Colnett Cape—northern cliff
Cone Point—summit
Convent Hill—south
Cook Port—Observatory Mark summit
Cook Port—Observatory at south, wes t cor-\
ner of
Corona Island—summit
Cortado Cape—extremity
Cotesworth Island—Port William
Coy Inlet—northern head
Coy Inlet—height south side extreme ...
Coy Inlet—south-east height
Creole Point-extreme
Crosstide Cape—extreme
Cruz Mount—summit
Cruz Santa Port—north point—south-east\
extreme j
Curious Peak—summi t
Cutter Cove—Jerome Channel
Dampier Islands—southern summit ...
Darwin Mount—summi t
Davies Gilbert Head—north summit ...
Deceit Island—Cape Deceit—east extreme
Deceit Islets—middle islet
Deepwater Head—summit
Deepwater Sound—O. S
Delgada Point—extreme
Deseado Cape—peaked summit near ...
Desolation Cape—southern summit ...
Detached Islet—summit
Devil Island—summit
Diana Peak
Diego San—Cape—east extreme
Dinero Mount—summi t
Direction Hill—north
Dislocation Harbour—O.S.
Divide Cape—east extreme
D o g - j aw Mountains—western summit
D o g - j aw Mountains—eastern summit...
Donaldson Cape—extremity
Doris C o v e—O. S
Doris Peak—summi t
Duncan Rock—middle
Dungeness Point—extremity
D u t c h Point—north extreme
Dynevor Sound—north-eastern headland
Dynevor Castle—summit
Earnest Cape
Eastern Peak—summit
Elizabeth Island—north-east Bluff
Elizabeth Head—Adventure Passage ...
East H. W. B. 4S.
0 / // 0 / tt 0 r h. m. Feet.
5 3 15 00 72 20 00
5 1 41 00 7 4 18 45
5 3 21 30 7 3 51 00
50 11 30 7 4 35 30
5 4 64 00 67 28 30 23 00 3 00 6 Ï.
5!2 43 30 70 19 15
5 3 37 20 7 3 58 00
54 42 15 6 4 18 30 2 2 30 5 00 9 w.
64 06 35 70 51 45
5 1 53 00 69 17 35
5 4 45 16 64 02 45
5 4 46 27 64 02 45 22 30 5 30 8 N.W.
5 3 15 15 72 23 30
5 2 49 37 7 4 26 40 23 40
5 3 '0 00 7 4 34 00
50 64 10 69 04 20 21 30 9 30 40 N-
50 58 30 69 07 20 21 30 9 30 40 N.
50 69 00 69 06 00
6 4 06 00 72 12 30
5 3 33 00 7 2 26 30 23 35 1 40 5
5 3 40 45 72 04 00
50 05 30 68 03 00 20 64 9 48 40 N..
6 4 19 35 70 12 15
5 3 22 00 72 26 45 4 30 6 N.
54 53 00 64 11 20
54 45 00 69 20 00
5 3 56 30 72 15 00
5 5 64 40 67 02 25
5 5 56 10 66 59 00 23 30 4 30 8 r..
53 38 00 7 3 44 00
5 3 35 00 7 4 34 56 ,24 20 I 10 5, N.E.
52 26 30 69 34 10
52 56 .30 7 4 37 30
54 45 40 7 1 37 10 2 4 30 1 40 4 N.E.^
6 4 63 20 6 4 30 00
64 58 30 69 04 60
52 08 00 7 4 48 00
6 4 41 00 65 07 00 22 5» 4 30 10 N.w.
62 19 40 es 33 20
5 2 20 50 69 32 50
52 54 16 7 4 37 10 23 53 1 40 4 S.I.
54 59 10 69 07 00
55 00 30 67 41 00
65 02 20 67 32 00
51 06 10 7 4 20 15
54 58 50 71 09 48 24 16 3 0 4 K.
54 59 20 7 1 1:1 40
63 57 45 7 1 25 15
51 22 40 7 5 28 20
5 2 23 50 68 2 5 10 22 36 8 50 4<> w.
65 ^9 00 67 39 30
53 22 00 7 3 35 00
52 35 00 72 26 00
52 10 52 73 18 30
50 00 15 7 5 13 20
52 49 10 70 37 15 2 3 .50 • 0 05 7 N.K.
54 56 30 70 54 00