14S A P P E N D I X .
No. 17.
YOKCUSHLU, a female, ten years of age.
Strong in attachment.
If offended, her passions strong.
A little disposed to cunning, but not duplicitj'.
She -will manifest some ingenuity.
She is not at all disposed to be covetous.
Self-will at times very active.
Fond of notice and approbation.
She will show a benevolent feeling when able to do so.
Strong feelings for a Supreme Being.
Disposed to be honest.
Rather inclined to mimicry and imitation.
Her memory good of \isible objects and localities, with a strong
attachment to places in which she has lived.
It would not be difficult to make her a useful member of society
in a short time, as she would readily receive instruction.
ORTJXDELLICO, a Fuegian, aged fifteen.
He will have to struggle against anger, self-will, animal inclinations,
and a disposition to combat and destroy.
Rather inclined to cunning.
Not covetous; not very ingenious.
Fond of directing and leading.
Verv cautious in his actions: but fond of distinction and approbation.
He will manifest strong feelings for a Supreme Being.
Strongly inclined to benevolence.
May be safely intnisted with the care of property.
Memory, in general, good; particularly for persons, objects of
sense, and localities.
To accustomed places he would have a strong attachment.
Like the female, receiving instruction readily, he might be made a
useful member of society ; but it would require great care, as self-will
w-ould interfere much.
• Made in Loudon, iu 1830.
A P P E N D I X . 149
EL'LEPARO, about twenty-eight.
Passions very strong, particularly those of an animal nature; selfwilled,
positive and determined.
He will have strong attachment to children, persons, and places.
Disposed to cunning and caution.
He win show ready comprehension of things, and some ingenuity.
Self will not be overlooked, and he wiU be attentive to the value
of property.
Very fond of praise and approbation, and of notice being taken of
his conduct.
Kind to those who render him a service.
He will be reserved and suspicious.
He will not have such strong feelings for the Deity ai! his two
He will be grateful for kindness, but reserved in showing it.
His memory, in general, good: he would not find natural history,
or other branches of science, difficult, if they can be imparted to
him; but, from possessing strong self-will, he will be difficult to
instruct, and will require a great deal of humouring and indulgence
to lead him to do what is required.
No. 17 («).
INSTRUMENT executed by Möns. Lor i s de BOUGAINVILLE for the
delivering up of the Malvinas.
" I, Monsieur Louis de Bougainville, colonel of his most Christian
Majesty's army, have received six hundred and eighteen thousand
one hundred and eight livres, thirteen sols, and eleven deniers, being
the amount of an estimate that I have given in, of the expenses incurred
by the St. Malo Company in equipments for founding their intrusive
establishments in the Malvina Islands, belonging to his Catholic
Majesty, in the following manner :—
" Forty thousand hvres delivered on account to me in Paris, by his
Excellency the Count de Fuentes, ambassador of his Catholic Majesty
to that court, for which 1 gave the proper receipt.
" Two hundred thousand livres, which are to be dehvered to me
at the same court of Paris, according to bills drawn in my favour by