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194 Al'l'ENDIX.
Thioriy, sovereign chief of New Zealand, and long of Nuhahiva,"
(one of the Marquesas Islands) a foi-mal declaration of his intention to
establish in his o\ra person an independent sovereignty in this country,
which intention he states he has declared to their Majesties the
Kings of Great Britain and France, and to the President of the
United States; and that he is now waiting at Otaheite the arrival
of an armed ship from Panama, to enable liim to proceed to the Bay
of Islands with strength to maintain his assumed sovereignty.
His intention is founded upon an alleged invitation given to him
in England by Shunghi and other chiefs, none of whom as individuals
had any right to the sovereignty of the country, and, consequently,
possessed no authority to convey a right of sovereigntjf to
another. Also, upon an alleged purchase made for him in 1822, by
Mr. KendaU, of three districts on the Hokianga River, fi-om three
chiefs who had only a partial property in these districts, parts of
which are now settled by British subjects, by virtue of purchase from
the rightful proprietors.
The British Resident has also seen an elaborate exposition of the
TOWS of this person, which he has addressed to the missionaries of the
Chiu-ch Missionary Society, in which he makes the most ample promises
to all persons, whether whites or natives, who will accept his
invitation to live under his government; and in which he offers a
stipulated salary to each individual missionary in order to induce
them to act as his magistrates. It is also supposed, that he may
have made similar communications to other persons or classes of
his Majesty's subjects, who are hereby invited to make such communications,
or any information on this subject they may possess,
Icno™ to the British Resident, or to the additional British Resident
at Hokianga.
The British Resident has too much confidence in the loydty and
good sense of his countrymen, to think it necessary to caution them
against turning a favourable ear to such insidious promises. He
firmly believes that the paternal protection of the British government,
which has never failed any of his Majesty's subjects however
remote, will not he withheld from them, should it be necessary to
Ijrevent their lives, liberties, or property, iroiS being subjected to the
caprice of any adventurer, who may choose to make this country, in
which British subjects have now by the most lawful means acquired
so large a stake, the theatre of his ambitious projects: nor, in the
British Resident's opinion, will liis Majesty, al'ter having aeknow-
AI'l'ENDlX. 195
ledged the sovereignty of the chiefs of New Zealand in their collective
capacity, by the recognition of their flag, permit his humble
and confiding aUies to be deprived of their independence upon such
But, although the British Resident is of opinion that such an
attempt as is now announced must ultimately fail, he, nevertheless,
conceives, that if such a person were once allowed to obtain a footing
in the counti-y, he might acquire such an influence over the
simple-minded native as would produce effects which could not be
too much deprecated or too anxiously provided against; and he has
therefore considered it his duty to request the British settiers of all
classes, to use aU the influence they possess with the natives of
every rank, ui order to counteract the efforts of any emissaries which
may have arrived or may arrive amongst them : and to inspire both
chiefs and people with a spirit of the most determined resistance to
the landing of a person on their shores, who comes with the avowed
intention of usurping a sovereignty over them.
The British Resident will take immediate steps for calling together
the native chiefs, in order to inform them of this proposed
attempt upon their independence, and to advise them of what is due
to themselves and to their country, and of the protection which
British subjects are entitled to at their hands. And he has no doubt
that such a manifestation will be exhibited of the characteristic
spirit, courage, and mdependence of the New Zealanders as will stop
at the outset such an attempt upon their Uberties by demonsb-ating
its utter hopelessness.
British Residency, at New Zealand, British Resident.
Bay of Islands, 10th Oct. 1836.
No. 36.
DECLARATION of the Independence of New Zealand.
1. We the hereditary chiefs and heads of the tribes of the northern
parts of New Zealand, being assembled at Waitangi in the Bay of
Islands, on this 28th *day of October 1835, declare the Independence
of our country; which is hereby constituted and declared to
be an independent state, under the designation of " T H E UNITED