Harris, resident at the River Negro, and Robert Fitz-Roy, Commander
of His Britannic Majesty's suri'eying sloop Beagle.
Mr. James Harris will provide and furnish two decked schoonerrigged
vessels, with their rigging, sails, masts, and all other things
necessary for their use and safety, both at sea and in harbour ; also,
sufficient crews and two pilots, together with provisions for the said
pilots, their crews, and eight other persons.
The said Mr. James Harris hereby agrees that the said schoonerrigged
vessels, and all on board of them, shall be under, and obey
the directions of, the said Robert Fitz-Roy. or those whom the said
Robert Fitz-Roy may appoint; and that the said vessels shall continue
to perform this expressed service during eight lunar months
from the date of this agreement, unless the said Robert Fitz-Roy
shall end this agreement at an earlier period ; and the said Robert
Fitz-Roy shall be at Uberty to put an end to this agi'eement at th
end of any month after December of tliis year.
In consideration of the above useful service to be thus rendered to
His Britannic Majesty and the pubUc, the said Robert Fitz-Roy
hereby agrees and promises to pay to the said Mr. James Harris, his
executors or administrators, the sum of one hundred and forty
pounds sterling per lunar month, during the whole time that the
said schooners are employed as herein agreed.
As witness the hands of the said parties,
J A M E S HAKKIS, Resident at the Rio Negro.
R O B E R T F ITZ-ROY, Commander.
Witnesses to the signatures and agreement.
J . C. WicKHAM, Senior Lieutenant.
B. J. SuMVAN, Second Lieutenant.
No. 7.
R O B E R T FITZ-ROY, Esq., Commander of H.M.S. Beagle, Dr. to Mr.
James Harris, for the hire of two schooner-rigged vessels, &c., as
per annexed agreement, £1,680 sterling.—11th August, 1833.
Received from Robert Fitz-Roy, Commander of H.M.S. Beagle,
the sum of £1,680 sterling, in full payment for the hire of two
schooner-rigged vessels, &c., as per annexed agreement, dated 11th
July, 1832.
H.M.S. Beagle, at Sea,
15th Sept., 1833.
No. 8.
By Robert Fitz-Roy, Commander of His Britannic Majesty's
surveying ship Beagle.
You are hereby required and directed to take command an(J charge
of the two vessels, " La Paz" and " La Liebre," and of all on board
of them.
They are engaged by me upon the terms specified in the accom.
panying a^eement.
With these vessels you will execute as much of the survey,
herein pointed out, as your means and other circumstances will
Between Blanco Bay and New Bay the sea-coast should be
accurately examined and charted.
Pai'ticular plans should be made of the entrances to False Bay,
Brightman Inlet, Union Bay, the Bay of San Bias, and the River
The plans already made of Port San Josef and Port San Antonio
should be verified.
The sea-coast ought to be completed before you undertake any
examination of the interior waters ; and I have to request that you
will be cautious of information which may be coloured or exaggerated
by individual interest.
As you are weU acquainted with the excellent Memoir, drawn up
by the Hydrographer for our guidance, I need only recall your
attention to the accompanying extracts.
I wish you to be at the Bay of San Bias on the 10th of November,
and there to await my arrival.
R O B E R T FITZ-ROY, Commander.
Blanco Bay, 19th Sept., 1832.
To Lieut. J. C. WicKHAM,
Senior Lieutenant of H. M. S. Beagle.