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I much regret that we could not meet with a suitable companion
for Matthews. I trust, however, you will find him to possess many
valuable qualifications for the undertaMng.
With very cordial wishes for your safety and welfare,
I remain, &c.
To Capt. FITZ-ROY, R.N.
&c. &c. &c.
No. 5.
Salisbuiy Square, London,
DEAR MB. MATTHEWS, NOV. 10, 1831. ~
Tlie friends by whose means you are enabled to proceed to Tierra
del Fuego cannot suifer you to depart without offering to you some
suggestions and counsel with regard to your future course.
The undertaking in which you are about to be engaged springs
from the benevolent interest taken by Captain Fitz-Roy in the natives
of the island of Tierra del Fuego, with whom he became acquainted
during his survey of that part of the coast of South America, in
which he was employed by His Majesty's Government. Some of
them were brought hither by Capt. F. on his return home, about
twelve months ago. These individuals, through Capt. F.'s kind
exertions, were, during their stay in England, placed under circumstances
to receive instruction in the English language, in the principles
of Christianity, and in some of the most simple arts of civflized
These natives mil be your companions on board the " Beagle,"
a passage to Tierra del Fuego having, at the instance of Capt. F.,
been granted to them and to you on board that ship, by the Hberality
of the Lords of the Admiralty.
Some Christian friends having become acquainted with these
foreigners, and with Capt. Fitz-Roy's solicitude to promote their
welfai-e and that of the tribes with which they are connected, have
supplied the means of providing the outfit, which was requisite to
enable you, advantageously, to enter on the work before you. Among
these friends you are especially indebted to the kindness and
liberahty of the Rev. W. Wilson. His soUcitude to forward Capt.
Fitz-Roy's views has been manifested toward these Fuegians, as weU
as yourself, by his having had them under his immediate care at
Walthamstow for many months, in order to impart to them such
knowledge and information as seemed calculated to promote their
present and eternal welfare, and by contributing largely to the fund
raised for your use.
From what has been just stated, you will perceive the pecuhar
obUgations under which you lie to Capt. Fitz-Roy and to Mr.
Wilson, and the interest which they both take in your undertaking.
You will especially consider yourself as bound to act under the
superintendence and direction of Capt. Fitz-Roy. We earnestly
recommend you to consult Capt. F. on all your plans and proceedings,
and ever to act toward him with entire openness and unreserve.
He is cordially desirous to promote the welfare of the
Fuegians, and is possessed of information and experience, authority
and influence, calculated, under the Divme blessing, powerfully to
advance the object you have in view. To him, therefore, you will
do well to refer on all occasions, and cheerfully conform to his
We trust that, in entering on this undertaking, you have been
influenced by a smcere desire to promote the glory of God and the
good of your fellow-creatures. These are the ends which those
friends have in view who have assisted you, and these they trust
that you. by the grace of God, will ever steadily keep in view
yourself. The means to be employed for the attainment of these
ends may be summed up in very few words: it is to make it
your study and endeavour to do these poor creatures all the good in
your power in every practicable way. By evidencing this to them
in the whole of your spirit and conduct, you will gain their confidence
and obtain influence over them, without which you cannot
expect to succeed. But it is not easy, steadily and consistently,
to maintain a line of conduct Hke this. To enable you to do it, you
must be "strong in the grace which is in Christ Jesus," and this grace
must be sought by diligent prayer and a constant reading and
meditating on the word of God. Here lies your strength, and
hence, under God, must your success be derived. "Draw nigh to