il. i
¡i I (i]
3 5 0 Al'PKNDIX.
in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, between the Cape of
Good Hope and Otaheite.
1 8 3 5 — 6 .
Simon's Bay to Mauritius
... 2
3 6
5 0
0 3 , 7
Mauritius to Keeling Islands .. 2 37 34,2 6 27 3 7 , 9
Keeling Islands to King George Sound . .. 1 24 07.9 7 5 1 4 5 , 8
King George Sound to Hobart Town .. 1 5 7 5 1 , 5 9 4 9 3 7 , 3
Hobart Town to Sydney .. 0 15 30,2 10 05 07,4
Sydney to Bay of Islands .. 1 31 3 1 , 5 11 3 6 39,0
Bay of Islands to Otaheite .. 2 25 3 5 , 6 14 02 14,6
or 9 6 7 4 5 , 4
Otaheite by the west... .. 9 5 8 ' 9 , 4
Mean of the two measures • 9 5 8 02,4
Equal, in space, to 149° 30' i
Captain Owen—Simon's Bay to Mauritius
Captain Lloyd—Mauritius Observatory ...
Captain Flinders—Mauritius ... ... ...
Flinders (by lunars) made the difference of meridians between
King George Sound and Sydney
Beagle's measurement gives ....
• 3
0 8
Captain Cook and Mr. Wales placed Otaheite (Point Venus) in 149° 35'—
but subsequently Mr. Wales considered 149° 30' more correct.
I n Cook's first voyage the longitude of Otaheite was made 149° 32' 30"; in
the second, Mr. Wales made it 149° 34'50"; and in the third voyage. Cook and
his officers made it 149° 37' 32" w. (at Point Venus).
r was inforrned that M. Duperrey, in the Cdquille, made the longitude of the
Bay of Islands 174° 01' 00" E. Our observations were made at the same point,'
and, if such is the case, his result agrees with that of the Beagle, taken westward
from Greenwich.
A P P E N D I X .
SOME of the BEAGLE' S MEASUREMENTS during the years 1 8 2 9 and
1830, wHch are here inserted, may serve to shew what accurate
deterininations may be obtained from even a few good chronometers,
H . M. S.
0 58 58,4
1 O! 20,4
1 03 10,6
when often rated and carefully managed.
H . M. S.
Monte Video to Port Desire » 38 47.7
P o r t Desire to Por t Famine ° 20 10,7
P o r t Famine to Cascade Harbour o 02 22,0
Cascade Harbour to Port Gallant ... o 5o,2
Port Gallant to San Carios de Chiloe
San Carlos de Chiloe is west of Monte Video
by the chain of 1831-6
San Carlos to Harbour of Mercy ... w.
Harbour of Mercy to Dislocation Harbour E.
Dislocation Harbour to Latitude Bay E.
Latitude Bay to tlie Basin near Cape Gloucester
The Basin to North Cove in the Barbara
North Cove to Townshend Harbour E.
Townshend Harbour to Stewart Harbour E.
Stewart Harbour to Doris Cove
Doris Cove to March Harbour
March Harbour to Orange Bay
Orange Bay to St. Martin Cove
St. Martin Cove to Cape Horn
Cape Horn by chain east of San Carlos
Cape Horn to Lennox Harbour 0
Lennox Harbour to Good Success Bay ... 0
Good Success Bay to Port Desire c
Port Desire by chain is east of Cape Hor n ...
Port Desire to Monte Video <
Monte Video to Sta. Catharina '
Sta. Catharina to Rio de Janeiro <
Rio de Janeiro by chain is east of Port Desire
0 7 4 0 , 9 1 10 5 1 , 5
1 10 5 2 , 2
0 2 5 3 , S 0 0 2 5 3 , 6
0 0 0 8 , 4 —
0 1 2 5 , 7 —
0 3 4 7 , 9 —
0 4 0 2 , 3 —
0 1 3 0 , 6 —
0 1 4 5 , 9 —
0 1 1 7 , 0 —
0 4 4 1 , 0 —
0 7 3 7 , 1 —
0 2 0 5 , 1 —
0 1 12,1 0 2 9 3 3 . 1
0 2 6 3 9 , 5
0 2 6 4 0 , 3
0 1 47,7 —
0 6 19,9 0 0 8 0 7 , 6
0 2 4 3 , 9 0 0 5 2 3 , 7
0 0 5 2 3 , 9
3 8 4 5 , 9 —
3 0 35,0 —
2 1 4 3 , 0 1 3 1 0 3 , 9
1 3 1 0 5 , 6
The measurements made in 1829-30, here given, may be compared with the
charts or other documents deposited in the Hydrographical Office in 1831.