78 T A B L K 01' rOSITIONS.
Wildcoast Head Cliff—summit
E y r e Sound—north-east extremity
H a l t Bay—middle of islet close to
D y n e l e y Point—extreme
Parallel Point—extreme
Pai-allel Peak—summit
Station Head—summi t of
Conglomerate Point—extreme
W h i t e Kel p Cove—summit over west side ..
Breaker Peak—summi t
Middle Island—north point—extremity
P o i n t Breakoff—extreme
Fallos Channel—Duplicate Mount—south")
summit J
B l a c k Island—south-east summit
Dundee Rock—summit
Cape Dyer—extremity
Miller Island—south extreme
Port Santa Barbara—Observation Point, \
north extreme J
Bynoe Islands—northern centre
Millar Monument—at north extreme
Campanilla Island—summit at south end ...
Good Harbour—Isthmus at the bottom
Bynoe Island—western extremity .
Cape San Roman—north extremity
Wager Island—eastern point—extremity ...
Supposed position of Wager' s Wreck
Speedwell Bay—hill at north- east point ...
Northernmost Islet—summit ...
Ayautau Island—summit of largest
Channel's Mouth—largest rock off entrance
Channel's Mouth—east side of northernmost^
Hazard Islet J
X a v i e r Island—Ignacio Beach
Jesuit Sound—central mount
X a v i e r Island—Lindsay Point—nortli-east\
extremity /
K e l l y Harbour—south point extreme
K e l l y Hai-bour—north point extreme
Cape Très Montes—extremity
Cape Très Montes—summi t over
Purcell Island—summit
Cirujano Islet—north-east point
Forelius Peninsula—Isthmus (narrowest part)
P o r t Otway—Observation Spot
P o r t Otway—summi t over southern entrance \
head J
Cape Raper—rock close to
Bad Bay—summit west of
Point Rees—ext reme
Sugar Loaf—summi t
Mitford Head—summit
St. Paul's Dome—summit
Small Islet near Cape Gallegos
Cape Gallegos—summit
48 67 30
48 57 00
48 54 15
48 50 00
48 47 45
48 46 40
48 39 00
48 36 15
48 30 15
48 28 00
48 27 35
48 26 00
48 19 00
48 12 00
48 06 15
48 06 00
48 03 20
48 02 20
47 58 00
47 65 60
47 46 00
47 46 00
47 44 40
47 44 30
47 41 00
47 39 30
47 39 30
47 38 10
47 34 15
47 29 30
4 7 28 56
47 10 00
47 09 30
47 03 >5
46 59 30
4 6 69 00
4 6 58 57
4 6 67 50
4 6 65 20
46 51 10
46 60 00
46 49 31
4 6 49 30
4 6 49 10
46 47 10
4 6 44 40
4 6 42 40
46 39 00
4 6 36 16
46 36 40
46 35 00
7 5 32 00
7 3 41 45
74 14 20
7 5 26 00
7 5 34 40
7 5 31 00
7 4 10 00
7 5 35 00
7 4 17 >0
7 6 32 30
7 4 21 40
7 5 33 40
7 5 14 00
7 4 32 00
7 5 42 00
7 5 34 20
7 4 35 30
7 5 29 20
76 33 30
7 4 41 30
7 4 37 10
7 5 20 20
76 24 20
7 4 62 30
7 4 66 00
7 5 06 30
7 5 10 00
7 5 14 00
7 4 40 20
7 4 29 30
7 4 24 20
74 26 40
7 4 08 20
7 4 16 00
7 4 08 30
7 4 05 50
76 27 60
7 5 27 55
7 4 39 46
74 21 45
7 4 41 40
76 19 20
76 18 00
7 6 40 55
7 4 51 40
7 5 42 20
7 5 15 00
7 5 40 30
7 5 13 40
7 5 40 00
7 6 28 30
19 10
19 50
12 30
1 1 45
Christmas Cove—O. S .—at south-east extre-\
mity of cove J
Cone—summit '
Point Pringle—e.xtremity
Rescue Point—summit—northern
Hellyer Rocks—middle
Cape Taytao—western extreme
Skyring Monument—summi t
Mount Gallegos—summit
Patch Cove—O.S.—under Mount Gallegos
l^oi-t Refuge—Puentes Island—summit
Inche Island—south-east summit
Anna Pink Bay—St. Julian Island—summit
Mount Haddington—summit
Mensuan Island—summit
Mount Riviero—summit
Midbay Rock—centre
Cape Garrido—northern extreme
Darwin Channel-north-east head
Mount Isquiliae—summit
Vallenar Hoad—O.S.—south-east extreme"!
of Tliree-finger Island /
L e m u Island—summit
P a z Island—summit
Huamblin (or SocorroJ Island—sout h extreme
Huamblin (or Socorro) Island-west head ...
Y p u n (or Narborough) Island—John Point"!
— e x t r e m i t y /
Stokes Island—summit
Cape Lort—summit over
H u l k Rocks—northern—above water
Mount Ma in—summi t
Mellersh Island—western extremity
Melimoyu Mountain—summi t ,
Tuamapu Island—summit
Huaytecas Island—central summit
Point Huayhuin—western islet off
Port L ow—O.S. on rocky islet in harbour ...
Point Chaylime—north extremity
Huacanec Islets—northernmost—small
Queytao Islet—largest—summit
Huafo Island—south extremity
Huafo Island-east point (of coves)
Huafo Island—summit over north west, or
weather, point
Huafo Island—northern rock
Canoitad Rock—summit
Yánteles Mountain—summit—southern
Huapiquilan Islands—southern islet summit
Larger Island Huapiqui lan—southern r
San Pedro Mountain—summit ...
San Pedro Passage—O.S. in cove
Cape Quilan—south-west extreme
L a y t e c Island—south-east extremity
Corcovado Mountain—summit ...
Huildad Harbour
Point Sentinela—e.ttremity
Lilt. Long. Var. H.W.
R. i S .
South. West. East. 0 1 n 0 / n 0 / h. m. Feet.
46 35 00 7 5 34 06 20 40 0 45 5 N.z.
46 34 10 7 5 31 00
46 30 50 7 5 33 00
4 6 18 10 7 5 13 45 0 14 5 U.K.
4 6 04 00 7 5 14 00
46 53 20 7 5 oB 00
46 53 10 7 5 04 00
46 62 46 7 4 56 46
45 52 15 7 4 55 50 20 31 0 45 5 E-
46 61 36 7 4 61 25
46 48 06 7 5 01 00 20 36 0 46 5 E.
46 47 26 7 4 56 00
45 43 25 7 4 39 50
46 36 00 7 4 56 00
46 34 46 7 4 36 00
46 27 30 7 4 45 00
46 26 10 7 4 32 20
45 25 00 7 4 25 00
46 20 00 7 4 21 40
45 18 30 7 4 36 15 20 48 0 18 5 N.
45 12 10 7 4 34 15
4 4 57 00 7 4 40 45
44 65 50 7 5 12 45
4 4 49 30 7 5 14 45
44 40 40 7 4 48 30
4 4 40 30 7 4 33 10
44 32 36 7 4 60 20
4 4 16 00 7 4 33 00
44 09 00 7 4 I' 45
4 4 04 45 7 4 23 60
4 4 01 30 7 3 07 00
43 58 30 7 4 16 20
43 52 45 7 4 01 00
43 51 00 7 4 13 00
4 3 48 30 7 4 03 05 19 48 0 40 7 N.1Î.
43 46 10 7 3 55 40
4 3 46 05 7 4 03 30
4 3 43 00 7 3 35 30
43 41 50 7 4 46 00
43 38 40 7 4 34 40
} 43 35 30 7 4 48 40 19 00
. 43 32 00 7 4 44 20
. 43 30 00 73 60 30
. 43 30 00 7 2 50 30
43 29 30 7 4 15 00
t 43 26 30 7 4 '7 50
. 43 21 00 7 3 49 00 11 45 1
• 43 19 35 73 45 20 0 3C 1 9 N.E,
• 43 17 10 7 4 26 00
• 43 15 05 73 36 00 0 3Í
. 43 11 20 73 48 40
. 43 03 00 7 3 34 00 18 3C ) 0 48 20 N
. 1 42 59 25 7 3 22 30 1