COAST OF PERU—c o r d h i u e d .
Huaiichaco Point—south-west extremity
Macabi Islet—summit
San Nicholas Bay
Malabrigo Bay—rocks
Pacasmayo Point—north-west extreme
Sana Pohit—extreme
Lobos de Afuera Island—Fishing Cove on\
east side j
Eteu Head—summit over
Lamhayeqiie—beach opposite
Lobos de Tierra—central summit
Point Ahuja—western cliff summit
Sechura Town—church
Lobos Island—near Payta—south extreme...
Payta—Silla (or Saddle)—south summit ...
Payta—new end of town
Pariña Point—extreme
Cape Blanco—under middle high cliif
Picos Point—extreme cliff
Point Malpelo—mouth of Tumbes River ...
Puná Island—Consulate on Point Española
Guayaquil—south end of city
Hood Island—eastern summit
Charles Island—summit
Charles Island—Post Office Bay—south-"\
east comer J
MacGower Rocks—middle
Albemarle Island — Iguana Cove - south-"!
•west extreme J
Chatham Island—"Watering Cove beach ...
Barrington Island—summit at west end
Chatham Island—south-west point of Ste-1
phens Bay _ j
Chatham Island—eastern summit ... ...
Indefatigable Island—summit of Islet in"l
N.'VV. Bay—Eden Islet J
Narborough Island—north-west extremity...
Albemarle I&land—Tagns Cove
James Island—Sugar Loaf near west end ...
James Island—cove on N. E. side
James Island—Adam Cove
Bindloes Island—southernmost summit
Towers Island—westernmost cliif
Abingdon Island—summit
Culpepper Islet—summit
Wenman Islet—north-western summit
» 07 30
8 05 40
7 49 15
7 42 40
7 15
7 10 35
6 56 45
6 56 40
6 46 00
6 26 45
5 55 30
5 35 00
5 13 35
5 12 00
5 05 30
4 40 50
4 16 40
3 45 10
3 30 40
3 47 30
2 13 00
J 25 00
1 19 00
1 15 25
1 08 30
0 59 »0
o 56 25
o 50 30
o 50 00
o 20 00
o 15 55
o 15 20
o 10 00
o 10 00
O 18 50
O 20 00
1 22 55
79 »4 00
79 09 00
79 30 55
79 28 00
79 37 25
79 43 30
80 43 55
79 53 50
79 59 30
80 52 50
81 10 00
80 49 46
81 13 10
81 09 20
81 08 15
81 20 45
81 15 45
80 47 30
80 30 30
79 57 45
79 53 30
89 43 55
go 32 00
90 31 30
89 59 30
91 32 15
89 33 25
90 10 00
89 36 45
•89 20 45
90 37 45
91 44 45
91 26 45
90 56 40
90 50 00
90 50 00
9 ° 33 55
go 02 30
91 53 30
92 04 30
East. H. W.
0 / h. in.
9 30
5 04
9 28 5 00
9 30
9 20
9 10 4 00
9 00 3 20
8 50 4 00
9 »'•> - 6 00
8 30 7 00
9 40 2 10
9 30 2 00
9 35 2 23
9 30 1 56
9 36 3 10
9 30 2 34
9 40 2 14
9 35 2 10
6 N
61 K.w.
6 N.W.
From Callao to Guayaquil the longitudes depend upon Mr. Usborne's survey, in the Constitución.
He had three chronometers fixed on board the vessel, and one which was used for
observations ; all four were good watches. If his whole meridian distance between Guayaquil
and Callao is incorrect, the error, whatever it may he, must be distributed equally along that
portion of coast, but I do not think there is an error of two miles ; probably, indeed, there is not
near so great a deviation from truth, as Mr. Usborne landed for observations continually, and
carried a connected triangulation from Callao to Puná.
Not included in the Survey.
O t a h e i t e - P o i n t Venus»—extremity ... ... i7 ^9 '5
• By continuing the chain of meridian dis-"l
tances westward from Bahia (in Brazd),
Otaheite (Point "Venus extremity) would
be in
And by taking the measures eastward Irom 1
Bahia J
The mean of the two is
The longautks in the following list, from New
Zealand to Ascension, are obtained by adding
the meridian distances eastward from Bahia.
New Zealand—Bay of Islands—Paihia Islet 36 16 30
Sydney—Fort Macquarrie—flag-staff 33 51 3«
Hobart Town—Fort Mulgrave 53 3°
King George Sound—Princess Royal Har-\ ^^
|,our—New Government Buildings ... J
Keeling Islands—Direction Island—west\ ^^ ^^
Mauritius—Port Louis—Observatory 20 09 25
Cape of Good Hope—Simons B ay- e a s t end"! „ ^^
of Dock Yard J
Royal Observatory
St. Helena—high water mark, in the meri-1 jg gg
dian of Observatory J
Ascension—Barrack Square 7 55 33
By the Beagle's Chronometers, the meridian"!
distances between Falmouth, Plymouth, I,
Portsmouth, a.id Greenwich, are as follows
Portsmouth Observatory—R.N. College—1
from Greenwich Observatory J
Devonport (Government House) — from
Portsmouth Observatory J
Pendennis Castle—Falmouth—from Devon- \
port (Government House) J
And Falmouth—Pendennis Castle—west of"!
Greenwich J
' " j •
149 30 00 7 54
149 34 30
114499 2360 2142
i 09 45
151 17 00
151 04 00
147 24 15
117 56 30
96 54 45
57 31 30
18 25 45
18 28 30
5 42 45
1 06 07-5
3 03 49^5'
o 52 46-,
h. ra.
14 00
10 24
11 06
1 12
11 18
28 30
>3 30
9 16
7 36
8 00
8 00
5 27
1 02
2 30
5 30
N. W.
N.B.—These are
identical with the
> measures of Dr.
5 43
I n the foregoing Table, every position, variation, and notice of tide, is the result of observations
made by officers of the ÀdvenYuie or the Beagle, therefore they are, strictly speaking, original,
and have no reference whatever to observations made by other persons , . . „1.«
An explanation of the methods and instruments used, and of the basis on which the longitudes,
especially, are founded, is given, in an abridged form, at the end of the Appendix
The positions of those points only are given which are considered to be, '" f -
satisfactorily ascertained by actual observation on shore, or well connected by triangulation to those
stations at which the artificial horizon was used. .
Where tidal notices are given opposite to summits of mountains or P f / ^ ^ ^ f ^ ^ X i i e ;
tance from the sea, it is to be understood that they refer to a point at which the sea appioaches
nearest to that specified.