í ;
No. 29.
Santiago, 12 de Agosto de 1835,
He instruido al Presidente del contenido de la carta de V.S. de
ayer, en que me incluye una copia de los resultados del viaje de obserí
acion del Capitan FitzRoy, de la fragata de S.M.B. Beagle, en
cuanto a la parte de la costa de Chile comprendida en el.
Su E. ha recibido esta prueba de la atención del Capitan FitzKoy,
con el mayor interés y reconocimiento, y me encarga rogar a V.S. se
lo manifieste de su parte.
Reitero a V.S. las espresiones de mi mayor consideración y estimación
; y tengo la honra de ser su mas atento,
Seguro servidor,
(Firmado) Joaquín Tocornal.
Señor Consul Jeneeal,
de S.M.B.
Nó. 30.
By Robert Fitz-Rot, Captain of His Britannic Majesty's
Surveying Sloop Beagle.
Vou are hereby required and directed to tate upon yourself the
chai'gc and command of the schooner Constitución (tender to the
Beagle), and all on board of, or belonging to her.
As soon as you are ready for sea, you •^ül proceed to that part of
the coast of Chile, near the Desert of Atacama, at which the survey
of Lieut. B. J. Sulivan ended.
From that part you -vítH coast along and sun'ey the shores northward
towards Callao, and thence toward Puna, near Guayaquil.
At Puna your survey is to terminate.
Yon will thence return to Callao in the schooner Constitución, or
you will sell the said schooner, and, with your party, malte your way
to Callao, by the means which you consider best for his Majesty's
sen'ice : combining economy with efficiency.
If opportunity should offer, a measurement from Puna to the Galapagos
would be very desirable.
On arriving at Callao, from Puna, you wiU wait upon his Majesty's
Consul-general, and request him to assist in procuring a passage to
England, for yourself and your party, at the least expense to the
public which will be consistent with the necessary accommodation
which you will require, in order to prosecute youi- work during the
homewai'd passage.
When you arrive in England, you will repair with your party to
Plymouth, there report yourself to the Commander-in-chief, and
request him to inform the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty.
You will also request him to allow your party to be borne, for
victuals only, on the books of one of his Majesty's ships, until the
arrival of the Beagle, or the receipt of orders from the Admiralty.
You will endeavour to leave Callao finally before the month of
June, and arrive in England before the month of October 1836.
You are furnished with the documents herein named:
Copy of my instructions.
Letter from the President of Chile.
Circular letter from the Government of Peru.
Copies of correspondence with his Majesty's Consul-general
in Peru.
Letter to the BoUvian authorities.
And with instruments, stores, and provisions sufficient to last for
eight montlis.
Money for the purchase of fresh provisions is supplied to you; and
you will keep a minute account of all money which passes through
your hands on account of Government.
When no longer wanted for the survey, the schooner is to be sold,
and the produce of her sale carried to your contingent account.
Previous to sale, you will hold a survey on the vessel, her boat,
and all such stores as you cannot advantageously carry with you to
England; taking to yoiu* assistance in the sui-vey the most competent
persons whom you can obtain.
Clear reports of survey, and accounts of sale will be requii-ed.
You wiU not on any account take part in, or in any way interfere
with any disturbance or disagreement of any land, which may arise
or be pencUng in your neighbourhood, bearing always in mind that
the exclusive object of your mission is of a scientific nature.
You will not on any account, or for any reason whatever, allow a
passenger, letters, effects of any land, gold, silver, or jewels, to be
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