C H A P . VII.
An Account o f an Expedition to dijcover the inland Part of the Country,
and our other Tranfactions, till we quitted, the IJland to con-'
f inite our Voyage. 252
A more particular Account of the Inhabitants of Otabeite, and of
their domefic Life, Manners, and Arts. 260
C H A P . IX
Pajfagcfrom Otaheite to Tinian, -with fame Account o f feveral other
Iflands that were difcovered in the South Seas. 271
C H A P . X
Some Account of the prefent State of the IJland of Tinian, and our Employment
there; with what happened in the. Run from thence to
Batavia. 27®
C H A P . XL
TranfaBions at Batavia, and an Account of the Paffage from thence
to the Cape of Good Hope, . 287
C H A P . XII.
An Account of our TranfaBions at the Cape of Goad Hope, and of the
Return of the Dolphin to England. 293
A T able of the L a t itudes and Longitudes Weft of London,
with the Variation of the Needle at feveral Ports, and Situations
at Sea, from Obfervations made on board his Maje/ly's Ship the
D ol phin; and her Nautical Reckoning during the Voyage which
Jhe made round the World in the Tears I766, \yfoy, 1768, under
the Command of Captain Samuel W a l l i s , • 300
1 C A P T A I N
C A P T A I N C A R T E R E T ’ S V O Y A G E .
C H A P . I.
The Run from Plymouth to Madeira, and from thence through the
Sireight of Magellan. 3 °S
C H A P . II.
The Paffage from Cape Pillar, at the Weflern Entrance of the Straight
o f Magellan, to Mafafuero; with fame Account of that Ifland. 317
C H A P . III.
The Paffage from Mafafuero to SJteen Charlotte's Iflands; feveral
Mijlakes correBed concerning Davis's Land, and an Account of
fome fmall Iflands, fuppofed to be the fame that were feen by §>uiros.
C H A P . IV.
An Account of the Difcovery o f fneen Charlotte's Iflands, with a
Defcription i f them and their Inhabitants, and of what happened
at Egmont IJland. 34^
C H A P . V.
Departure from Egmont IJland, and Paffage to Nova Britannia ; with
a Defcription of feveral other Iflands, and their Inhabitants. 364
C H A P . VI.
Difcovery of a Straight dividing the Land called Nova Britannia
into two Iflands, with a Defcription of feveral fmall IJlands that
lie in the Paffage, and the Land on each fide, with the Inhabitants.
37 5
C H A P . VII.
The Paffage from Saint George's Channel to the IJland. of Mindanao,
with an Account of many Iflands that were feen, andlncidents tha t
happened by the Way. 3&2
a 2 <G H A P.