E.Roo7cer sculp.
1ST? 21.
the morning, | and in the mean time, I put the people at four
watches, one watch to be always under arms; loaded and
primed all the guns, fixed mufquetoons in all the boats, and
ordered all the people who. were not upon the watch, to repair
to the quarters afllgned them, at a moment’s warning,'
there being a great number of canoes, fome of them very
large, and fu ll o f men, hovering upon the fhore, and many
fmaller venturing to.the fhip, with hogs, fowls, and fruity
which we purchafed o f them, much to the fatisfaftion of
both parties; and at fun-fet, all the canoes rowed in to the
At fix o’clock the nèxt morning, we began to warp the
fhip up the harbour, and foon after, a great number o f
canoes came under her ftern. As I perceived that they had
hogs, fowls, and fruit on board, I ordered th'e gunner, and
two midfhipmen, to purchafe them for knives, nails, beads,
and other trinkets, at the fame time prohibiting the trade
to all other perfons on board. By eight o’clock, the number
o f canoes was greatly irtcreafed, and thofe that came laft up
were double, o f a very large fize, with twelve or fifteen flout
men in each. I obferved, with fome concern, that they ap-'
peared to be furnifhed rather for war than trade, having
very little onboard except round pebble Hones'; I therefore
fent for Mr. Furneaux, my firft lieutenant being fpli very
ill, and ordered him to keep-thé fourth watch conflantly at
their arms, while the reft o f the people wëre warping the
fhip. In the mean time more canoes Jwere continually
coming off from the fhore; which were freighted very differently
from the reft, for they had on board a number of-
women who were placed in a row, and who, when they
came near the fhip, made all the wanton geftures that can
be conceived. While thefe ladies were; pradfcifing their allurements,
the large canoes, which were freighted with
T.uefday 23.
Wednef. 24.