rounded by breakers. We faw fmokc in two places, but no
>---------> inhabitants. A few cocoa-nut trees were erowine on the
Thurfdayjo. i ^ r • , T T ?? ° &
LordHow’s lCC-p3.rt Or It, 3.IK1 ICcHiQu ltlaORD PI.OW^ ISLAND» It is 3.boilt
lfland’ ten miles long, and four broad, and lies in latitude 16“ 46'S.
longitude, by obfervat'ion, 154° r 3'W.
In the afternoon, we faw land bearing W.'by N. and flood
for it. At five o’clock, we faw breakers running a great
way out to the fouthward, and foon after, low land to the
S. W. and breakers all about it in every direction.
We turned to windward all night, and as foon ,as it was
light, crowded fail to get round thefe Ihoals. At nine we
Sciiiyiflands. got round them, and named them Scill.y I slands'. They
are a group of iflands or Ihoals extremely dangerous.; for in
tile night, however clear the weather, and by day, i f it is
hazey, a Ihip may run upon them without feeing land;
They lie in latitude 16° 28' S. longitude 1550 30' W.
Auguft. We continued to fleer our.courfe weftward, till day-break
on the i3th of Auguft, when we law land bearing W. by S.
and hauled towards it. At ri o’clock in the forenoon, we
faw more land in the W. S. W. At noon, the firft land that
we faw, which proved to be an ifland, bore W. 4 S. diftant
about five leagues, and had the appearance of a fugar loaf;
the middle o f the other land, which was alfo an ifland, and a peak, bore W. S. W. diftant fix leagues. To the
firft, which is nearly circular, and three miles over, I gave
Bofcawen’s the name o f Boscawen’s Island ; and the other, which is
Keppet’s Me. three miles and a half long, and two broad, I called K ep p e l 's
Isle. Port Royal at this time bore E. 4° 10 S. diftant 478
At two o’clock, being about two miles diftant front Bof-
caweh’s Ifland, yve faw feveral of the inhabitants; but Kep-
pel’s Ifle being to windward, and appearing more likely to
aflord us anchorage, we hauled up for it. At fix, it was not