ijiS?. that refreffiments might there be bought at the original
. J- - . price ; but here they were obliged to give flill more than at
Tuef ay 7. tile water-fide. In the mean time, being this day able to gee
up for the firft time, and the weather being fine, I went into
a boat, and rowed abput four miles down the coaft. I found
the country populous, and pleafant in the higheft degree*
and faw many canoes on the fhore; but not one came off to
us, nor did the people feem to take the leaft notice o f us as
we pafled along. About noon I returned to- the- fhip.
The commerce which our men had found means to efta7
blilh with the women o f the ifland, rendered them much
lefs obedient to the orders that had been given for the regulation
of their condudl on fhore, than they were at firft. I
found it neceflary therefore, to read the articles o f war, and
I puniffied James Proctor, the corporal o f marines, who" had
npt only quitted his ftation, and inful ted the officer, but
ftruck the Mailer at Arms fuch a blow as brought him to
the ground,
Wtdnef. 8. The next day, I fent a party up the country to cut wood,
and they met with fome of the natives, who treated them
with great kindnefs and hofpitality. Several o f thefe
friendly Indians came on board in our boat, and feemed;
both by their drefs and behaviour, to be o f a: fuperior rank.
To thefe people I paid a particular attention, and to difeover
what prefent would moft gratify them, I laid down before;
them a Johannes, a guinea, a crown piece, a Spaniffi dollar,
a few {hillings, fome new halfpence, and two large nails,
makings figns that they ffiould take what they liked heft.
The nails were firft feized, with great eagernefs, and then a
few o f the halfpence; but the filver and gold lay neglefted.
Having prefented them, therefore, with fome nails and
halfpence* I fent them on fhore fuperlatively happy.
From this time, our market -was very ill fupplied, the »767.
Indians refilling to fell provifions at the ufual price,! and 1 — ,
making figns for large nails. It was now thought neceflary Wed“ef* 8‘
to look more diligently about the Ihip, to difeover what
nails had been drawn; and it was foon found that all the
belaying .cleats had been ripped off, and that there Was
fcarcely one of the hammock nails left. All hands were
now ordered up, and I practiced every artifice I could think
o f to difeover the thieves, but without fuccefs. I then told
them that till the thieves, were difeovefed, not a fingle man
ffiould go on -Chore j this however produced no effect, except
that Proctor, the corporal, behaved in a mutinous manner,
for which he was inftantly puniffied.
On Saturday the n th , in the afternoon, the gunner came Saturday n.
on board with a tall woman, who feemed to be about five
and forty years o f age, o f a pleafing countenance and ma-
jeftic deportment. He told me that ffie was but juft come
into that part of the country, and that feeing great refpeft
paid her by the reft o f the natives, he had made her fome
prefents; in return for which ffie had invited him to her
houfe, which was about two miles up the valley, and given
him fome large hogs ; after which ffie returned with him to
the watering-place, and exprefled a defire to go on board the
ffiip, in which he had thought it proper, on all accounts,
that ffie ffiould be gratified. She feemed to be under no
reftraint, either from diffidence or fear, when ffie firft came
into the ffiip ; and ffie behaved, all the while ffie was on
board, with an eafy freedom, that always diftinguiffies con-
feious fuperiority and habitual command. I gave her a
large blue mantle, that reached from her ffioulders to her
feet, which I threw over her, and tied on with ribands; I
gave her alfo a lookirig-glafs, beads o f feveral forts, and
many other things, which ffie accepted with a very good
Vol. I: I i grace,