C H A P . II.
Pajfage from Rio de Janeiro to Port Defire•withfotm
Defcription of that Place.
Oflober N Monday thé 2zd, being now once more at féa, I
>— y~~> V - r called all hands upon deck, and informed them, that
Monday 22. j was not, as they imagined, bound immediately to the Eaft
Indies, but upon certain difcovériés, ■ which it was thought
might be of great importance to our country, in confidera-
tion o f which, the Lords Commiffioners o f the Admiralty had
b.een pleafed to promife them double pay, and fe-rcrah other
advantages, i f during the voyage they fhould behave to my
fatisfaftion. They all exprefled thegreateft joy imaginable
upon the oceafion, and allured me, that there was no danger
or difficulty that they would not with the- utrnofl'cheerful-
nefs undergo in the fer-viee o f their country, nor any order
that 1 could give them which they would hot implicitly' a id "
zealoufly obey.
Monday 29. We continued our courfe till Monday the 39th, having
frequently hard gales with fudden gulls, which obliged us
to ftrike our top-gallant-malls, and get up our Humps ; but
this day it blew a ftorm, with a terrible fea, and the Ihip
laboured fo much, that, to eafe: her, I ordered the two fore-
moll, and two aftermoft guns to be thrown overboard : the
gale continued with nearly equal violence all the reft of the
day, and all night, fo that we were obliged to lie to under a
Tuefday 30. double-reefed main fa il; but in the morning, it being more
moderate, and veering from N. W. to S. b y W. we made fail
again, andf flood to the weftward. We were now in latitude