Saturday.! 1.'
grace, and rtiuch pleafure, She took notice that I had been
ill, and pointed to the fhore. I underftood that fhe meant I
fhould go thither to perfect my recovery, and I made figns
that I would go thither the next morning. When fhe intimated
an inclination to return, I ordered the gunner to go
with her, who, having fet her on fhore, attended her to her
habitation, which he defcribed as being very large and well
built. He faid, that in this houfe Ihe had many guards and
domeftics, j and that fhe had another at a little diftance,
which was enclofed in lattice-work.
Sunday iz. The next morning I went on fhore for the firft time, and
my princefs, or rather queen, for fuch by her authority fhe
appeared to be, foon after came to me, followed by many o f
her attendants. As fhe perceived that my diforder had left
me very weak, fhe ordered her people to take me in their
arms, and carry me not only over the river, but all the way
to her houfe ; and obferving that fome o f the people who
were with me, particularly the Firft Lieutenant and Purfer,
had alfo been lick, fhe caufed them alfo to be carried in the
fame manner, and a guard, which I had ordered out upon
th e ' occafion, followed. In our way, a vaft multitude
cronded about us, but upon her waving hér hand, without
fpcaking a word; they withdrew, and left us a free pallage.
When we approached near her houfe, a great number of
both fexesxame out to meet her: thefe fhe prefented to me,
after having intimated by figns that they were her relations,
and taking hold o f my hand, fhe made them, kifsdt. We
then entered the houfe, which covered a piece of-ground
327 feet long, and 42 feet broad. It confided o f a roof,
thatched with palm leaves, and raifed upon 39 pillars on
each fide, and 14 in the middle. The ridge o f the thatch,
on th e infide; was 30 feet high, and the fides o f the houfe,
to the edge of the roof, were: ra feet h igh ; all below the