R O U N D T H E W O R L D . 243
roof being open. As foon as we entered the houfe, fhe i767-
made us fit down, and then calling four yoiing girls, fhe 1_—
affifted them to take off my fhoes, draw down my flockings, Sunda)' l1'
and pull ofF my coat, and then dire&ed them to fmooth j
down the. fldn, and gently chafe it with their hands*:1 the
fame operation was alfo performed upon thé Firft l ieu tenant
and the.Purfer, but upon none o f tliofe who appeared to be
in health. While this was doing, óur Surgeon,'who had
walked till he was very warm, took off his wig to cool and
refrefh hirnfelf: a hidden exclamation o f one o f the Indians
who faw it, drew the attention o f thé rcff, and in a moment
every eye was fixed upon the prodigy, and every operation
was fufpended: the whole affembly flood fome time motion-
lefs, in filent aftonifhment, which could not have been more
.ftrongly expreifed i f they had difcovered that our friend’s
limbs had been fcrewed on to the trunk; in a fhort time,
however, the young women who were chafing us, relumed
their employment, and having continued it for about half
an hour, they dreffed us again, but in this they were, as
may eafily be imagined, very aukward •, I found great benefit,
however, from the chafing, and fo did the Lieutenant
and Purfer. After a little time, our generous bénéfaéïrefs
ordered fome bales o f Indian cloth to be brought out, with
which Ihe clothed me, and all that were with* me, according
to the fafhion o f the country. At firft I declined the acceptance
of. this favour, but being unwilling not to feem
pleafed with what was intended to pleafe me, I acquiefced.
When we went away, fhe ordered a very large fow, big with
young, to be taken down to the boat, and accompanied us
thither herfelf. She had given directions to her people to
carry me, as they had done when I came, but as I chofe
rather to walk, fhe took me by the arm, and whenever we
came to a plafh of water or dirt, fhe lifted me over with as
I i 2 little