R O U N D T H E W O R L D .
and was web footed. We alfo faw feveral plantain leaves,
and cocoa-nuts, pafe by the fhip. 1---- •---- '
On Saturday tbe 29th, about two o’clock in the afternoon, Saturday 29.
being in latitude 2° 50' N. longitude 188” W'. we' eroded a
great rippling, which ftretched from the N. E. to the S. W.
as far as the eye could reach from the maft-head. We
founded, but had no bottom with a line of two hundred
OnThurfday the 3d of September, at five o'clock in the
morning, we faw land hearing E. N. E. diftan-fc about five
miles : dn about h alf an hour we faw more land in the N. W.
and at fix, faw in the N. E. an Indian proa, fuch as is described
in the account of Lord Anfon’ s voyage. Perceiving
that fhs'ftactd towards, us,, we hoifted Spanifti colours ; but
when lhe came within about two miles of us, fhe--tacked,
and flood from us to the N.N. W, and in a fliort time was-
out of fight.
At eight o’clock, the iflands which I judged to be two o f
the Pifcadores, bore from S. W. by- W. to W. and to windward,
fromN.- by E. to N. E. and had the appearance of
fmall flat keys. They were diftant about three, leagues; but
many others, much farther off, were in, fight. The latitude
o f one o f thofe iflands is n ' N. longitude 192° 3,0' W..; and I
the other i t 0 20' N. longitude 192° 58' W.,
On the 7th,- we faw a curlieu and a pewit,, and on thegth Monday7.
we caught a land-bird, very much refembling a ftarling.,
On the 17th, we faw, two gatmets,. and. judged the. ifland Thu.-ftay 17,
o f Tinian to bear Weft, at about one and thirty leagues
diftance ; our latitude being 1.5° N.. and our longitude 3.1 a
- o ' W. At fix o-’clock, the next, morning, we fa.w the ifland Friday ts.
o f Saypan, bearing W. by N. diftant about ten leagues. In
the afternoon, we faw Tinian, and made fail for the ro ad;