1767. them, without any ceremony,, drove down a young buffalo
Decmfei-., that belonged to fome of the country people, and his comrades'
not having wood at hand to drefs it when it. waa
killed, fupplied themfelvés b y pulling down fome of the
pallifadoes' o f the,fort. When this was reported to me, I
thought it fo extraordinary that I went on fhore to lee the
breach, and found the .poor bla,ck people repairing .it. , ,
Saturday26. p Q n tltc sótli, a.iloóp laden with rice was lent out from
this place in order to land her cargo at Macaffar ; but after
having- attempted i t three days fhe was forced to return.
The Weather was nhw'eiceedingïy tempeftuotis; and’all ha-’
vigation at an end'Trom calf to well, till the ?eturn o f the’
eaflern monfoon. On the fame day two largc fioopi that1
were-bound to the call ward anchored h e re ;' and the next
Sunday27. morning alfo a large ffilp from/ Batavia,"xwth tröóp^'on
board for th e Banda Tflands; but none 'óf' thé1 crew o f a!n f '
of-t-hefe veiTels were fuffered to :fpe^kJA any of our people,''
our boats being reftraihed fróm gbhrg bn bodrd them, and
theirs from coming on board us. As this was a mortifying
reftridtion we requefted Mr. Swellingrabel to buy us fome
fait meat from the large Ihip ; and he was fo dbliging as to '
procure us four calks of-very good European meat, two JSc
pork and two of beef.
Monday 28. On the 28th afleet o f more than an hundred fail of the fmall
country veiTels, called Proas, anchored here;, their burden
isfrom twelve to eighteen and twenty ton, and they carry
from dxteen to twenty men. I was told that they carried on
a d lheryround the Illand, going out with one monfoon, and
coming back with the other, fo as always to keep under the
lee of the land: the filh was fent to the China marker,
and I obfeived that all thefe veiTels carried Dutch colours.
No event worthy of. notice happened till thé i.8th o f Ja-
nuarv, and then I learnt by a letter from J MacaHar that the i— -v—-j , n r Monday 18.
Dolphin- had been at Batavia. On the 28th the Secretary of. Thurfdayz?.
the Council, who had been fent hither with Le Cerf, aSjwe
fuppofed to-be a cheek upon the Reddent; was- recalled to Macadam
By. this time our carpenter, having in agreat degree
recovered his health, examined the Hate of our vedel,, and
to our great regret fhe appeared to be very le ak y : our main
yard alfo was found1 not only to be fprung, but-to be rotten
and unferviceable. We got it down and patched it up as
well as we could, without either iron or a forge, fo-that we
hoped it would fettve üs till we got to Batavia;- fo r no wood
was to be procured here of which a new one could be made.
To Our leaks very little could be done, and we were therefore
reduced to an entire, dependance, upon our pumps.
On Friday the igth o f February, Le Gèrf, the military .of- February,
deer who commanded the foldiers on ffidrei was recalled, as ruUf ‘9’
it was faid, to dt out an expedition'for the iilatid of Bally ;
on the 7th of Match, the larged o f our. guard-böäts, a doop March,
about forty-dve tons, was ordered back to 'MaCaffar with onday 7‘
part of the foldiers; and on the 9th, the Keddent, Mr. Swel- Wedner. 9.r
hngrabel, received ^ letter from thé Governor of that place,
enquiring when I fhould fail for Batavia. I muft confefs,
that I was furprifed at the recal o f the officer, and the guard-
boat; but I was much more furprifed at the contents o f the-
Governor’s letter, becaufe he knew that it was impoffible I
fhould fail till May, as the eaftern monfoon would nor
fooner fet in. All matters however remained in the fame
dtuation till near the end o f the month; when fome o f m y
people took notice, that for a ffiort time pall a fmall canoe
had gone round us feveral times at different hours o f the
night, and had difappeared as foon as thofe'on board perceived