1767. bilt did not feein willing; to part with any ó f the prövifiöna
. . which bur people were móft dfefi’fous topurchafe: they gave’
Wednef. 15. (.jjenï, however, a few éöcba-nuts and plantains, and at
length fold them nine hogé; and a fèw fowls. The Lieutenant
was o f opinion^ that they might be brought to trade
freely by degree?, b u f thè diftanée from the fhip was fo
great, that too many then would be neeefiary for a guard.
He faw a great number o f very large canoes upon the beach,
and fome that were building. He obferved that all tlieir
tools were made o f ftone, fhells, and bone, and very juftly
inferred, that they had no metal o f any kind. He found
no quadrupeds among them, befides hogs and dogs, nor
an y earthen veifol, fo that all their food is either baked or
roafted. Having no veflel in which’water could be fubjected
to theaótion of fire, they had no mote idea that it could be
made‘hot, than that it could b e 'made folid. ' As' the queen
was one morning at breakfaft with uS on board the fhip,
One of her attendants, a man of fome note, and one o f thofe
that wë thought wére priëfts, faw the Surgeon fill the teapot
by turning the cock of an urn that flood upon'the table.:
having remarked this with great curiofity and attention, he
prcfently turned "the cock, and received the water upon his
hand : as foon as he felthimfelf fcalded, he roared out, and
began to dance about the cabbin with the rnoft extravagant
and ridiculous expr’effions of pain and aftqhifhmeht: thé
other Indians, not being able to conceive what was thé matter
with him, -flood flaring at him in amaze, and not without
fome mixture o f terror. The Surgeon, however, who
had innocently been the caufe o f the mifchief, applied a m ,
medy, though it was fome time before the poor fellow was
eafy.. .
Thurfday 16. On Thurfday the idth, Mr. Furneaux, my Second Lieutenant,
was taken very ill, which diftrefled me greatly, as
the Firft Lieutenant was:not yet recovered, and I was ftill in 1767-
a very weak ftate myfelf: T y ra s th is day alfq obliged once ■ ■
more; to punifhRrqdlroti, the corporal of marines, for mud- Tll“riaar i6'
nous behaviour. The , queen had now been abfent feveral
days, but the natives made us underftand, by figns, that the
next day flic would be with us again.
Accordingly the: next; morning Ihe came down to the Friday 17..
beach,';and foon after a, great number o f people, whom we
had never feen before, brought to market provifions of every
kind ; and the gunner fent off. fourteen hogs, and fruit in
great plenty.
In fh e afternoon of the next day,, the queen came on Saturday is,,
board, with a prefent o f two large hogs, for fhe never con-
defcended to barter, and in the evening fhe returned on
fhore.: I fent a prefent with her, by the Matter,. and as foon
as they landed, fhe took him' by the hand, and having made
a long fpeech to the people that flocked round them,, fhe led
him to her houfe, where fhe clothed him, as fhe had before
done me, according to the fafhion o f the country.
The next morning, he fent off a greater quantity o f flock Sunday rg,.
than vye had ever procured' in one day before; it confifted of
forty-eight hogs and pigs,' four dozen of fowls, with breadfruit,
bananas, apple’s, and cocoa-nuts, almoft without
On the; 20th, we continued to trade with-good fuccefs, but Mona»»-*«»,
in the afternoon it was difcovered, that Francis Pinckney,
one of the,Teamen; had drawn the cleats to .which the main
fheet was belayed, and, after ftealing the fpikes, thrown
them overboard. Having fecured. the offender, 1 called all
the people together upon the deck, and after taking fome
pains to explain his .crime, with all its aggravations, I
ordered that he fhould be whipped with nettles while he ram
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