Some Account o f the Coqft o f Mindanao, and the Iflands near it, in
•which federal Miflakes of Dampier are correBed. 391
C H A P . IX. '
The Paffage from Mindanao to the IJland of Celebes, with a particular
S Account of the Sfreight o f Macaffary in which many Errors are
correóled. 402
C H A P . X.
Tranfahtions off Macaffar,' and the Paffage thence to Bonthain. 410
C H A P . xr.
TranffHions at Bonthain, while theVeffelwas waiting for. a Wind to
carry her to Batavia, with fome Account of the Place, the Town.
of Macaffar, and the adjacentCountry. 418-;
C H A P . XII.
Paffage from Bonthain Bay, in the IJland of Celebes, to B At avia
Trarfactions there, and the Voyage round the Cape of Good Hope tO‘
England. aaKy
A T able of tóe V a r ia t io n of the C ompass, as obferved on boat'd,
o f the Sw a l low , in her Voyage round the Globe, in the TearsI
1766, 1767, 1768, and 1769. 4495
g e n e r a l i n t r o d u c t i o n .
HIS Majefty, foon after his acceffion to the crown,
formed a defign of fending out veflels for making
difcoveries o f countries hitherto unknown, and in the year
1764, the kingdom being then in-a {late o f profound peace;
he proceeded to put it into execution. The Dolphin and
the Tamar were difpatched under the-command.of Gommo-
dore Byron, and the belt account o f his Majefty’s motives
and defign that can be given, will be found in the following
.preamble to Commodore Byron’s inftructions, which are
•dated the 17th of June in that- year.
■' “ Whereas nothing can redound- more to the honour of
“ this nation, as a maritime power, to the dignity of the
Crown of Great Britain, and to the advancement o f the
•« trade and navigation thereof, than to make difcoveries of
“ countries hitherto unknown ; and whereas there is leafoa
to believe that lands and iflands o f great extent, hitherto»
unvifited by any European power, may be found in the
“ Atlantic Ocean, between the Cape .of Good Hope and the
“ Magellanic Strcight, within the latitudes convenient for na-
“ vigation,. and in climates adapted to the produce o f com- 4 modifies ufeful in commerce.; and whereas his Majefty’s-
“ iflands called Fepys’ bland; and Falkland’s Iflands, lying.
“ within the faid tracft, notwithftanding their having been
firft difcovered and vifited by Britifh. navigators, have.
“ never yet been fo fufficiently furveyed as that an accurate
“ Judgment-may be formed of their coafts and produdf; hfs.
• ' - . . . . ‘ Majefty