n 1 e«b’er rent becomjnS ftrong, a frelh gale fpringing up, and the
■ _—,— i flijp being a great way to the leeward, I made fail, in hopes
Fn v 20, tQ g et up ancj reCQver the anchor; but I found at laft that it
was impoffible, without anchoring again; and being afraid of
the confequences of doing that in foul ground, I determined
to Hand on, efpecially as the weather was become fqually,
Saturday2i. We were, however, able to make very little way till the
nest day, when, about three in the afternoon, we faw Monopin
Hill bearings. 4 E. and advancingyery little, faw the
Sunday 22. coaft o f Sumatra at half an hour after fix the next morning;
We continued to fuffer great delay by currents and calms,
Monday 30. but on Monday the 30th of November, we anchored in Ba«
tavia Road.
C H A P .
C H A P . X I .
TranfaEiions at Batavia, and an Account of the Paffage
from thence to the Cape of Good Hope.
WE found here fourteen fail of Dutch Eaft India Ihips,
a great number of fmall veffels, and his Majefty’s 1---- .----
lhip the Falmouth, lying upon the mud in a rotten condition.
I fent an officer on fhore, to acquaint the Governor o f our
arrival, to obtain his permiflion to purchafe refrefhments, and
to tell him that I would falute him, if he would engage to return
an equal number o f guns. The Governor readily agreed;
and'at fun-rife, on Tuefday the ill; of December, I faluted Tuefday-i.
him with thirteen guns, which he returned with fourteen
from the fort. Soon after, the Purfer fent off fome fre fh »
beef, and plenty o f vegetables, which I ordered to be ferved ■
immediately at the fame time I called the Ihip’s company
together, and told them that I would not fuffer any liquor to •
come on board, and would feverely punifii thofe who Ihould
attempt to bring a n y : and I took fome pains to reconcile
them to this regulation, by alluring them that in this coun- -
try intemperance would inevitably deftroy them. As a further
prefervative, 1 fuffered not a man to go on fhore, except
thofe who were upon d u ty ; and took care that none even o f
thefe draggled into the town.
On the ad, I fent the boatfwain and- the carpenter, with wednef. 2.
the carpentered the Falmouth, ,to lookat fuch of her flores
as had been landed at Onruft, with-orders, that i f any .were
p fit