The PaJJage from the Downs to Rio de Janeiro,
[The longitude in this voyagers reckoned from the meridian of London,-
weft to i So degrees, and eaft afterwards.j
ON the 2iff o f June 1764, I failed from'the Downs, with J764c
his Majefty’s fhip the Dolphin, and the Tamar frigate, ': , June-
which I had received orders totake under my command: as 2I*
I was coming dbwn the river, the Dolphin got a-ground; 1 '
therefore put into Plymouth; where fhe was docked, but
did nat appearto have received any damage: At this place
we changed fome o f our men, and having paid the people
two months wages in advance, I hoifted the broad'pendant, ju]r..
and failed'again on the 3d of July; on the 4th we were off'wed«ef.£
the Lizard; and made the beft o f ou r way with a fine breeze,
b u t had1- the mortification to find the Tamar a very heavy
failer. In the night o f Friday the 6th, the officer o f the firft
watch faw either a fhip on fire; or an extraordinary phenomenon
which.greatly refembled it, at fome diftance: it con--
tinued to-blaze for about half an hour,’and then difappeared.1
In the evening o f Thurfday; July theiath, we fawtherocks p r i l l . .[
near the ifland of Madeira, which-our people- call the De-
ferters from defertes, a name which has been given them -
from their barren and defolate appearance: the next day we Friday @g
flood in forthe road o f Funehiale, where, about three o’clock-
in the afternoon, we came to an anchor. In the morning of
Saturday the 14th, I waited upon the Governor, who re- Saturday
ceived me with great politcnefs,and faluted me.with eleven
B a: guns,