C O M M O D O R E B Y R O N 's V O Y A G E
T764, guns, which I returned from the foip."July. - • —■----- -————————— - ' 4 The next dary» he
1---- -----1 returned my vifit at the houfe o f the Conful, upon which I
Sunday 15. pajute(j him ppfol eleven guns, which he returned from the
fort. I found here his Majeftyss foip the Crown, and the
Ferret Hoop, who alfa faluted the broad pendant.
Having completed our water, and procured all the refrefo-
ment I was able for the companies of both the foips, every
man having twenty pounds, weight of onions for his fea
Thurfday 19. Hock, we weighed anchor on Thurfday the 19th, and pro-
Saturday *i. needed on our voyage- On Saturday the 21ft» we made the
ifla.nd o f Palma, one o f the Canaries,. and foon after examining
our water, we found it would be neccflary to touch
at one o f the. Cage de Verd iflands for a frefo fuppiy. During
the whple o f our courfe from the Lizard, we; obferyed that
no fifo followed the Ihip, which I judged,to be owing to her
Thurfday 26. being, foeathedwith copper. By the 26th, our water was
become foul, and flunk intolerably, but we purified it with
a machine, which had been put on hoard for that purpofe: it
was a kjnd of ventilator, by which air was forced through
the water in a continued, ftream, as long; as it was necef-
Friday 27- In the morning o f the ayth, we made the ifland o f Sal, one
o f the Cape de Verds, and feeing feveral turtle upon the
water, we hoifted out our jolly- boat, and attempted to ftrike
them, but they all went down before our people could come
Saturday 28. within reach of them. On the morning of the 28th, we
Sunday 29, werevery near the ifland.of Bona Villa, the next day off the
Monday 30. Ifle of May, and on Monday the 30th-, we came to an anchor
in Port Praya. bay. The. rainy feafon was already fet in,
which renders this place very u nfafe ; a large fwell that
rolls in from the fouthward, makes a frightful furf upon
the ihore, and-thereis reafon every hour toexpeft a tornado,'
o f
o f which, as it is very violent, and blows dire i l ly in, the
coitfcqucnccs are likely to be fatal; fo that after the 15th of
Auguft no fliip cornés hither till foe rainy feafon is over,
which happens in November; for this reafoti I made all
poflible hafte to fill my water and get away. I procured
three bullocks for the people, but they were little better
than carrion,- and the weather was fo hot, that thé flèïh
flunk in a few hours'after they were killed.
On Thurfday the 2d of Auguft, we got again under fail,
with a large cargo o f fowls, lean goats, and monkies, which
the people contrived to procure for old fhirts, jackets, and
other articles o f the like kind. The intolerable heat, and
almoft inceffant rain, very foon affedted our health, and the
men began to fall down in fevers, notwithftanding all my
attention and diligence to make themfoift themfelves before
they flept, when they were wet.
On Wednefday the 8th, the Tamar fired a gun, upon wednef. 8.
which we fhortened fail till lire came up : we found that
foe had fullered no damage but the carrying away of
her top-fail-yard ; however, as we were obliged to make an
eafy fail till foe had got up another, and foe wind feemed to
bè coming again to the fouthward, we loft a good deal of
-way. We continued, to our great mortification, to obferve
that no fifo would come near enough to our copper bottom
for us to ftrike, though-we faW the fea as it were quickened
wrth them at a- little diftance. Ships in thefe hot latitudes '
generally take fifo in plenty, but, except foarks, we werè not
able to catch one:
No event warthy of notice happened till Tuefday the n th September.
of September, when, about three o’clock in the afternoon, Tuefday n.
we faw Cape Frio, on the coaft of Brazil s and about noon,
on Thurfday the 13 th, we anchored in eighteen fathom, in Thurfday 13.
6 foe
Monday 30.
ThAurufgduafyt. z.