watering-place, and fpeak to them, but they difappeared be- Auguft.
fore ftie could reach the ftiore. The boat foon after returne Wct)ne(. 12
with an account that there was a fine run o f frefli water
abreaft of the fliip and clofe to the beach, but that ||j§ f|| country in that part being an almoft impenetrable foreft
quite to the water’s edge, the watering would be very di
cult and even dangerous, i f the natives fliould come down
to prevent i t : that there were no efculent vegetables, for the
refrefhment of the fick, nor any habitations as far as the
country had been examined, which was wild, forlorn, and
Having confidered this account, and finding that a fwell,
which came round the eaftern part of the bay would render
watering troublefome and inconvenient, exclufive of the
danger that might be apprehended from the natives, if t ey,
fhould: attack us-from ambuflies in the wood I determined
to try whether a better fituation could not be found.
The next morning, therefore, as foon _ as it was light, I r
difpatched the Mailer with fifteen men in the cutter, we
armed and provided, to examine the coaft to the weftward,
our prefent fituation being on the lee of the ifland, foiva
place where we might more conveniently be ^pphcd wi
wood and water, and at the fame time procure fome refrefli-
ments for the fick, and lay the fliip by the Hern to examine
and Hop the leak. I gave him fome beads, ribbons, and
other trifles, which by chance I happened to have on boar -,
t0 conciliate the good-will of the natives, if he fliould happen
to meat with any of th em ; but at the fame time enjoined
him to run no rifle, and gave him particular orders
immediately 1 return to the fliip if any number u f canoes
n,„„u i t a l l I s i s