P R E F A C E , &c.
Supreme Being, is not a pofition of mine-, on the contrary, I
fay exprefsly, that the Supreme Being is perpetually operating,
for how otherwife can he “ aft through all duration.” My
reafoning upon this principle relates to thofe only who
maintain i t ; and I have fuppofed it, merely to preclude an
objection that might be founded upon it, as will mani-
feftly appear to every attentive and intelligent Reader.
As I cannot but confider the poftfcript to this letter as a
meer piece o f pleafantry, I fhall only congratulate my cor-
refponderit upon the tranfient gleam of good humour in
which it "was written, and difmifs him with my hearty
wiflies that fuch intervals for the future may be frequent
and long.
As to any miftakcs which affect neither the work nor Mr.
Dalrymple, I might certainly retort upon him the principle
advanced in his letter, “ that a certain degree o f approba-
“ tion is due to every performance intended for the public
“ information, however ill that performance may be executed,
“ without which it fhould.not be mentioned;” he is however
welcome to any pleafure which the violation o f this
principle has given him, and having now fhewn the attention
which I thought due to his name, I fhall, without repining,
pay my part o f the tax which is continually levied for
the liberty o f the prefs, however long, to the refpite o f my
betters, I may continue to be the favorite topic o f anonymous
Byoroley, Kent,
-2j Auguft, i ? 7j . J. HAWR E SWO R TH.