Jj7ff7. and wheat boiled with portable foup, every morning for
u— breakfaft, and all the Ihip’s company had as much vinegar
and muftard as they could ufe; portable foup was alfo con-
llantly boiled in their, peafe and oatmeal.
The hard gales, with frequent and violent fqualls, and a
heavy fea, foott returned, and continued with very little in-
termiflion. The fhip pitched fa much, that we were afraid
fhe would carry away her mails, and the men were again
wet in their beds.
Thurfday 3o On the 30th, the variation, by azimuth, was 8° 30' E. our
latitude wa s32° 5o'; longitude, by account, 100' W. I began
how to keep the Ihip to the northward, as we had no chance
o f getting w elling in this latitude; and the furgeon was of
opinion,, that in a little time the lick would fo much in-
creafe, that we fbould want hands to work the ihip, i f we
could not get into better weather.
Su d*37' t'1C M a 7> ahout four in the afternoon, we had
”nd^ 3' , an obfervation of the fun and moon, by which we found our
longitude to be 96* 2 6' W. the variation by the azimuth was
Monday 4. ? 44 R- at h* fo tf^e evening, and at fix the. next morning, it
was 50 J^'E. Our latitude, this day at noon, was 28° 30'S.
At four in the afternoon we had feveral obfervations for the
longitude, and found it to be 96° 21' W .; at feven in the evening,
the variation was 6° 40' E. by the azimuth, and the
T«Hay 5- next morning at to it was, byamplitude, j s t i48 ' E . ; at three
in the afternoon, the variation, by amplitude, was 70 40' E.
This day we faw a tropic bird.
Friday 8. At fix o’clock in the morning, o f Friday the eighth o f
May, the variation o f the needle, by amplitude, Was 7° 11' E.
In the afternoon we faw feveral Iheerwaters and fea fwal-
Saturday9. lows. At eight in the morning of the 9th,- the, variation by
azimuth was 6° 34'E. and in the morning o f the n th , b y 1767.
azimuth and amplitude, it was 4° 40'E. Our latitude was ■ May •
27° s8'S. longitude, by account, 1060 W. This day, and the Monda)'
next, we faw feveral fea fwallows, iheerwaters, and por- Tqefdayrz.
poifes, about the Ihip.
On the 14th of May, the variation, by four azimuths, was Thurfday>4.
s ” E, About four o’clock in the afternoon, we faw a large
flock of brown birds, flying to the eaftward, and fomething
which had the appearance of high land, in the fame quarter.
We bore away for it till fun-fet, and it ftill having the
fame appearance, we continued our courfe; but at two in
the morning, having run 18 leagues without making it, we
hauled the wind, and at day-light nothing was to be feen.
We had now the fatisfadlion to find our ailing people mend
apace, Our latitude was 24° 50’ S. our longitude, by account,
106° W. During a ll this time, we were looking out
for the Swallow.
At four in the afternoon o f die idth, the variation, by azi- Saturday ,s.
muthand amplitude, was6° E. and affix the next morning, Sunday 17.
by four azimuths, it was 3“ 20'.
The carpenters were now employed in caulking the upper
works of the Ihip, and repairing and painting the boats, and
on the 18th, I gave a fheep among the people that were fick Monday 18.
and recovering.
On Wednefday the 20th, we found our longitude, by Ob- Wednef. 20.
fervation, to be 1060 47' W. and our latitude so° yg'S. The
next day we faw feveral flying fifli, which were the firlt we TWday 2,.
had feen in thefe feas.
On the 22d, our longitude, by obfervation, was i n ’ W. Friday 22.
and our latitude so°.i8'S. and this day we faw fome bonet-
toes, dolphins, and tropic birds.
Vol. I. D d The