1765. feet water in a watch; and all her upper works were very
open and loofe.
Sunday 1C. By tile 10th of January, the ficknefs began, in fome degree,
to abate, but more than ha lf the company were lb
feeble, that they could fcarcely crawl about. On this day,
being in latitude 22° 4 t' S.longitude, by account, 300“ 47' W.
we faw many tropic birds about the Ihip.
Sunday 17. On the 17th, being in latitude 27° 32'S. longitude 310° 36'
W. we faw feveral albatrofles, and caught fome bonettas.
The £hip was this day ten miles to the fouthward o f her
Sunday 24. On the 24th, in latitude 33° 40' S. longitude, by account,
328° 17' W. we met with a violent gale, which fplit the maintop
fail and the main-top-maft-ftay-fail all to pieces. The
fea broke over the lhip in a dreadful manner, the ftarboard
rudder chain was broken, and many of the booms were
wafhed overboard. During the ftorm we faw feveral birds-
and butterflies ; and our firft attention, after it fublided, was
to dry the bedding o f the lick: at the fame time, every one
on board who could handle a needle was employed in repairing
the fails, which were now in a fhattered condition*
Tueiday 26- On the 26th and 37th, being in latitude 34° 16', and be-
Wednet 27. . caimed, we had feveral obfervations, by which we determined
the longitude of the fhip to be 323° 30'; and it
appeared that we w?re feveral degrees to the Eaftward of
our reckoning.
Saturday 50. At fix in the evening, o f the 30th o f January, we faw land,
February. and on the 4th of February, we anchored in Table Bay, at
Tkurfday 4. _
the Cape or Good Hope*
Our run from Prince’s Ifland to the Cape was, by our
reckoning, 87 degrees longitude, which makes the longitude
1 a f
o f the Cape 345'’ W.; but the longitude o f the Cape being, p
by obfervation, 342 ° 4’, it appeared that the fliip was three '——v“
degrees to the Eaftward o f her reckoning.
C H A P . X I I .
An Account of our Tranfa&ions at the Cape of Good Hopet
and of the Return of the Dolphin to England.
A S foon as the fhip was at anchor, I fent an officer on
fhore, with the ufual compliments to the Governor»
who received him with great civility, telling him that we
were welcome to all the refrefhments and affiftance that the
Cape afforded, and that he would return our falute with the
fame number of guns.
We found riding here a Dutch Commodore, with fixteen
fail of Dutch Eaft Indiamen, a French Eaft India fhip, and
the Admiral Watfon, Captain Griffin, an Eaft India packet:
boat, for Bengal. We fainted the Governor with thirteen
guns, and he returned the fame number; the Admiral Watfon
faluted us with eleven guns, and we returned nine; the
French fhip afterwards faluted us with nine guns, and we
returned feven.
Having got off fome mutton for the fhiprs company, with
plenty o f greens, I fent the Surgeon, on fhore to hire quarters
for the Tick, but he could procure none for left than two>
fhillings a day, and a ftipulation to pay more,, if any of
them ffiould take the fmall-pox, which was then in almoft
every houfe, in proportion, to the malignity of tlxe difeafe.