1765. On Monday the 30th o f September, having, now been here
September., aQ(j Qur jjgjjjg pretty well recovered ,1 ordered
Monday 30. £k e t e n t s t o be ftruck, and with the forge and oven carried
back to the fh ip ; I alfo laid in about two thoufand cocoa-
nuts, which I bad experienced to be fo powerful a remedy
oaober. for the fcurvy, and the next day I weighed, hoping that be-
Tuefday i. £ore we g et the length of the Bafhe Wands, the N, E._
monfoon w ould be fet in. I flood along the fbore to tajce in
the beef-hunters; but we had very little wind this day and
Wednef. 2. the next till the evening, when it came to the weftward and
Timrfday 3. blewffe fh: I then flood to the northward till the morning
of the 3d, when we made Anatacan, an ifland that is remarkable
high, and the fame that was firft fallen in with
by Lord Anfoiu
G H A P ,
C H A P . X I I .
The Run from Tinian to Pulo Timoan, with fome Account
of that I f and, its Inhabitants and PreduQions,
and thence to Batavia.
WE continued our courfe till Timrfday the iotli, when I?6s
being in latitude 18° 33' N ., longitude 136"“ 50' E. We , os°ber. ,
found'the fhip two and twenty miles to thé föüthward of hér Thur«Ujr 10.
a'écötiht, Which itfuft havé beëri the eflè'A of a ftrong current
in that direction. The variation here was 5° 10'E.' and for
fome timé wë found it regularly decreafing, fo that on the
19th, being in latitude 21” 10' Ni, longitude 1240 17' E. the
needle pointed due north.
On the iSth, we had found the fhip eighteen miles to tile Fn&y ™
northward of her account, and faw féveral land birds about
the fhip, which appeared to be very much tired: we caught'
one as it was refting upon the booms, and found it very remarkable.
It was about as big as a goofe, and all over as
white as fnow, except the legs and beak which were black;
the beak'was curved, and o f fo great a length and thickneTs,
that it is not eafy to conceive how the mufcles of the neck,
which was about a foot long and as fmall as that of a crane,
could fupport it. We kept it about four months tipori bif-
cuit and water, but it then died, apparently for want of
nourifhment, being almdft as'light as a bladder. It Was
very different from every fpecies -of the Toucan that is re-
prefented by Edwards, and I believe has never been de-
’ R 2 feribed.